Chapter 8

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"Guys we're vampires," were the words that sputtered out of my mouth.

Everyone was silent for a good two to three minutes.

Then someone spoke.

"How?" Chris stated.

"By my conclusions, having super human speed, having our emotions, hearing, and eyesight heightened and having a craving for blood that we cannot get rid of. I would say that yah, were vampires." I respond.

We all started to chat and talk about this. 

Later on at 2 AM we all thought it would be a good time to go to bed.

So I walked into my room and Jorge came up behind me and I cuddled next to him and fell asleep.

The next morning was peaceful and I was the first person to get up.

I changed my clothes, then proceeded downstairs to make breakfast for everyone and my dogs.

I finished cooking breakfast and then I saw everyone run downstairs wanting my food.

"Oh, Michelle how we have missed your food," everyone shouted.

So we all sat down and started to eat breakfast, then suddenly we heard a knock on the door.

"Who could that be," I asked.

Then I heard one more knock, and I stood up.

Suddenly the door bursted open and I saw the guy that I have missed the most.

My best friend Nathan White.

"I'm back motherfuckas! I just got back from my round trip from Japan! Now who wanted this Manga and Rick Riordan books from Barnes & Noble?" Nathan stated with excitement.

" Oh my gosh Nathan you're back! I have missed you so much," I said holding him in a tight hug.

"Me too Michelle. Now what's all this stuff I heard about you not being awake for like a month or so?" Nathan asked, while I released him from the hug.

"Um, well," I said with a sarcastic tone.

"Tell me," Nathan asked.

"Ok," I said.

So we all sat in the living room and explained what had happened to me.

Then we stopped  when I said "Guys were vampires."

Nathan just sat there astonished. 

"So like all this happened while I was gone?" Nathan questioned.

"Yup," I responded.


"I know," I respond. I thought that this would actually be a very good time to tell everyone about- but i couldn't because Nathan spoke.

"Guys I kind of do have something to tell you," Nathan spoke.

"What is it, Nathan, you can tell us anything." I comforted.

"You know how I spend so much time inside and sleep for so long and that I just don't tan well?"

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well, it's because I'm a vampire too. I was born one."

"But I thought vampires can't go into sunlight, and you go outside during the day all the time and you aren't affected by it."

"It's because of this," He showed me the ring he always wore on his middle finger, "it keeps me from being burned to death by the sun. A lot of vampires wear them. Some keep it hidden, some use them as earrings or rings like I do."

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