Chapter 5

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Dylan's hands wrapped around my neck and removed my locket, which was glowing.

He pointed the locket towards the moon pool and read aloud what the locket said.

"If she feels weak, help her. But if not, don't. Into the water with moon light over she must go with tail out and friends around. The Osirion must be around to strengthen her again. You may not know it, neither she, but he is around to arise her from death," Dylan read aloud.

"So if we don't put her in the water with this 'Osirion' and she'll wake up? But if we don't she's going to die!?" Jorge asked. I was resting on his lap and he was holding me tight now.

"Pretty much," Dylan responded.

"So come on we have put her in the water and let me kiss her!" Jorge shouted.

"Jorge, it's not that simple we have to wait until a lunar eclipse to do undo the spell," Skylaa told him.

"But I just can't handle it, I just want to talk to her right now and hear her respond. I miss her so much even though she's right next to me," Jorge concluded.

You don't know how much I want to hug and speak to you right now Jorge. I miss you too, I wanted to say to him.

"Dylan go home and get your boat, and Jorge man up and carry Michelle out to the beach so we can bring her home," Skylaa told Jorge.

"Ok," Jorge and Dylan both responded.

I heard a splash in the water and all the weight of the ground fall away from me as Jorge lifted me up and carried me to the beach.

The whole time we were on the beach Jorge did not set me on the sand, he kept me wrapped up in his arms. And during the ride home he placed his jacket that was in Dylan's boat over my body.

Once we arrived back home I felt the comfort of my mattress on my back. I could faintly hear my friends talking on my balcony.

"We have to wait until Friday to do the spell."

"Why so long, I want her right now."

"I know. I do too, but we just have to take turns watching her to make sure nothing goes wrong, or if she wakes up."

"That's unlikely, the spell she used to save Jorge was really powerful and the full moon took away some of her power."

"Wait, how come she was able to resist the moon's spell."

"I don't know Jorge. Wait, how were you able to resist the moon's spell?"

"Michelle gave me her bracelet, it's on my wrist right he- WHERE DID IT GO! I could have sworn I had it on me. Now I lost the last thing Michelle gave me before she-"

"Ok Jorge that's enough, you and the girls go get some rest, I'll keep on eye on Michelle. I'll call you at 2, ok Jorge?"

"Ok Dylan, I guess your right."

Everyone shuffled out of my room while Dylan stayed behind.

He grabbed my bean bag that had been on the floor near my many bookshelves and placed it on the left side of my bed. He plopped down on the beanbag and relaxed.

"Oh Michelle, we miss you so much. You don't know how much Jorge had been crying today, he really misses you. And I do too." He paused. "Now that you know that I like you I guess I can't really hide anything anymore. I'm so sorry that this happened to you Michelle." He sniffled his nose really loudly." It's all my fault that this happened to you! If only I didn't look at the moon while I was closing the blinds. How much of an idiot can I possibly be." He sighed. "I know that you probably can't hear me right now"

Oh I can hear you loud and clear Dylan! I wanted to shout.

"Well anyway, how about I read you some of your favorite book City Of Bones huh?" Dylan asked me.

I heard the crinkle of the beads in the beanbag indicating that he had gone up and walked to my bookshelf and got City Of Bones. Then he walked over to the bean bag and sat back down and turned to page one.

While he was reading I was just correcting his grammar in my head because the dude was just damaging the book so bad. I wanted to grab the book out of his hands and point out what everything meant. But he was just acting the way he does around me. He's doing this to see if I will jump up and correct him, but sadly I cannot even though I wanted to throw a dictionary at his head.


I heard Dylan's phone alarm go off and that meant it was 2AM. Time for Jorge to come and watch me.

Dylan walked downstairs and woke Jorge up, who was sitting on the couch holding my locket, and told him to go upstairs and watch me.

Jorge practically jumped off of the couch at the sound of Dylan's voice.

Jorge thanked Dylan for watching me and he walked upstairs into my room and closed the door. Jorge looked around the room and saw the mess that Dylan made. He knew I liked my room neat so he took it upon himself to clean my room. He placed my bean bag back near my bookshelf and put City of Bones back in its place on the shelf.

Afterwards, he came next to me on the bed and placed my locket back on my neck.

Thanks, Jorge I wanted to say.

Then instead of sitting on beanbag on the floor like Dylan did, he took of his shoes and laid next to me on my bed. He rested my head against his chest and cover us both up with my favorite fluffy blanket. I could hear his heart pumping blood throughout his body.

Jorge started to stroke my hair. "I miss you Michelle," he said. "I sucks that I can't talk to you anymore. I miss the way that you would be grabbing my hand right now, the way that you would somehow be finding a way to correct my grammar right now, and the feeling when you press your lips against mine."

Jorge, I miss you so much! I would be cuddling you right now if I could. Yes, I would be complaining about your grammar, and I want to feel your lips against mine. If only I was able to do all of those things right now.

"I know that you probably can't hear anything that I'm saying to you right now."


"But I just love I and you together."

You and I

"Tried to put that in there to see if you would wake up, but right now I can feel something. Like you can hear everything that I am saying right now. When I was downstairs with Dylan earlier you could hear everything that I was saying. And now I just want to love you more than usual. It feels like my emotions are heightened."

Correct. Wait, CORRECT! Jorge your right. My emotions feel heightened right now as well. And I also have a certain craving for-

"And you know what's weird the others and I since the full moon have been having a certain craving for



"Wow I feel weird talking to you about this, but I shouldn't your my girlfriend. I shouldn't be afraid to tell you anything, right?" He ran a hand through his black beautiful hair. "I just wish that you were here, awake, talking to me about this whole thing." He looked at my clock. "Looks like it getting late, I'll stop talking now, you must think I talk to much, huh?"

No, not at all. Don't stop talking. I love hearing the sound of your luscious voice. Now more than ever since I can't respond to you.

"I love you Michelle, I can't wait until I can talk and kiss you again," Jorge said.

Me too Jorge, me too.

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