Chapter 2

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"Morning darling," Jorge said to me as I opened my eyes to see him beside me in my tent. "Breakfast is ready if you want any."

"Sure I'll be right there," I respond to him.

My tent mates, Mackenzie and Skylaa, were already up and outside. I got up and opened the tent. Sunlight crept into it and I noticed my sandals right next to my tent all nice and dry. 

Jorge must have put them to dry last night, I thought. 

I got up and saw everybody talking in a circle.

"Hey guys, what's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Your favourite," said Dylan M.

"OMG you guys got me fish! You know I love having that sometimes."

Surprisingly everybody was eating the fish. On our last camping trip nobody touched this. 

I wonder what's going on.

After breakfast we all decided to walk around the island again. Dylan M. lead us back to the waterfall area and I was a bit scared.

Then I slipped. I went down into the little pond on the bottom of the waterfall. Everybody came rushing to me and I was stunned.

"WHAT IS THIS!," I screamed. I had a huge orange mermaid tail with shimmering .

"I think you look sexy," Jorge replied to me.

"Oh shut up and help me out," I shouted at him.

Jorge came close to me into the water and started to help me up until he fell.

"WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!," he screamed. He had a giant blue merman tail.

"Guys help us out," said Jorge.

"Wait, don't. You don't know if they have it too." I told him.

"Have what?" Jorge asked me.

"Dude, can't you see we're merpeople?"

Everybody else backed away, but then slid on the other side of the waterfall. Jorge and I swam over to the other side noticing that they all had tails as well.

Dylan M. had a blue tail, Dylan A. had a red tail, Mackenzie, Skylaa, Sarah, Eli, Rose, and Kayle all had pink tails.

"How are we supposed to get out of this mess," this came from Reva.

"We have to pull ourselves on to the shore," I said while pointing to the shore.

So we all swam and pulled ourselves onto shore and waited for our tails to dry up. We went back to camp and packed everything back up and headed back to my place.


"How are we going to hide it?" Autumn asked me.

"We just have to be really careful around wat-," was all I was able to say until I was in my tail again on the hardwood of my bedroom floor. "Dylan!"

Dylan M. ran over to me.

"Why dude just why? Jorge could you go get me a to-," but I already saw that he had gone to get one. "Thanks," I said to him. 

I feel like he is one of the best guys I had ever met. He had an awesome smile, awesome hair, and an awesome personality. I dried up my tail and started arguing with Dylan while everybody was watching us.

"Why would you do that!" I half yelled at him.

"It wasn't me that did it, it was Sarah. Sarah told me to do it." Dylan M. told me.

The Life of the Ocean {The Magic Blood Trilogy 1}Where stories live. Discover now