Chapter 9

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Jorge walked into the room and pulled Chris outside to talk to him. I was able hear every word they said.

"How could you go off and do that?!" Jorge urged.

"What do you mean?" Chris said knowingly.

"You just went off and kissed Michelle," Jorge sighed,"Why does this always happen to me." Jorge paused. "First, it was Dylan kissing her and now it's you. Can't people just leave my girlfriend alone?"

I could hear the pain in Jorge's voice.

"I'm sorry about all of this, Jorge," said Chris.

"It's not you fault. It's just that I want to have a normal day with out someone kissing my girlfriend or doing something that could hurt her. I'm supposed to protect her and lately I have been doing the opposite," Jorge said.

There was a pause.

"Why can't people just leave my girlfriend alone?" Jorge questioned.

"Well, she is beautiful, sweet, kind, smart, a great cook..." Chris droned on and on. 

Jorge grabbed Chris and shook him by his shoulders.


A tear fell from my eye and ran down my cheek onto the hardwood floor of my bedroom.

Why does Jorge have to be like this? First with Dylan and now with Chris? I've had enough.

I stood up from my bed and ran outside the balcony door, down the stairs, through my yard, past the gate and into the ocean I went to Mako Island. Before I jumped into the water I saw Jorge staring at me with a blank face.

I felt a rush of energy wave into my body, and I panicked as I did not feel my tail start to grow.

It wasn't working.


Jorge came rushing down into the sand. He reached out and grabbed my arm, but I pulled away.

"No." My voice cracked, "Get away from me."

"What's wrong?" Jorge asked me.

"It's you!"  shouted.

Then as Jorge came closer my tail started to grow and I swam to Mako.

I pulled myself out of the moon poool, climbed onto the sand, dried my tail, and then I cried my heart out.

After a couple of minutes I saw two heads pop up out of the moon pool.

Its was Nathan and Skylaa.

"What's wrong?" Skylaa asked as she and Nathan got out of the moon pool to dry their tails.

"Jorge is," I stated.

"Why, what's wrong?" Nathan asked.

"I know he's trying to protect me and all, but lately he has been different," I spoke.

Skylaa paused before she spoke. "Well he is now a vampire," Skylaa stated.

"Yah, but it's not that," I paused," I think I'm going to break up with him."

There was a long silence until Skylaa spoke.

He's getting on my nerves these days," she stated.

"Who?" I asked.

"Jorge." She sighed, and she pulled her long brown hair out of her eyes and into a ponytail. "Now that I think about it, he's been strange. He has this weird necklace. Have you noticed that?"

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