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Through the narrow window, Agape was looking into the distance, trying to see a line of blue sea.

He looked extremely intently, but through the stacked low eaves, he could only see a narrow line of sky, as blue as a wiped long knife.

"Agape!" Someone called him from behind, "Don't be in a daze, leave quickly, be careful not to take daddy's whip again!" The

young slave's shoulders trembled, and he hurriedly followed his companion, only having time to adjust his belt hastily.

The scattered islands, like turquoise scattered on the sea, welcome the endless fleet of ships in the moist and strong monsoon. As some kind of tacit secret road sign, only a discerning compass can accurately locate these nameless islands, and they only welcome specific groups of people.

This is a transit station parked on the sea.

Some people call it the Paradise, some people call it the White Tower, and some people regard it as a palace of wealthy businessmen and powerful people on the sea, but in any case, a large number of luxury goods are accompanied by a fleet of mobile fortress-like fleets. Here they gather and scatter. Countless ships carrying gold and silver jewelry, opal glass, tortoise shells, and many rare cargoes including pepper, cloves, cinnamon bark, and ligers and rhinos came here and docked for a short rest. Each ship arrives at night with torches lit and sets sail at first light.

Huge wealth is accompanied by huge luxury. The most expensive night in the world must be here - in addition to the supplies along the way, this is also an island where slaves are traded.

The endless sea serves as a natural prison for these beautiful slaves. Gold-selling caves were built one after another on the island, and the slaves were both male and female. Many of them had status and status, but they still ended up here.

Dancers draped in golden gauze, Persian warriors with skin as dark as midnight, wives and children of down-and-out nobles, young officers with titles... The sails of the ship brought them here, and these people would never see their return. Where is the way home?

They are called cargo, equated with the spices that come and go from north to south, with the spices temporarily unloaded on the island, with the skins of beasts and diamonds and emeralds, but not with people.

Gold gathered in all directions and dispersed in all directions established a powerful order in this maritime kingdom that was independent of the secular world. It is impossible to escape from the sea, and the slave owners who occupy the population market are committed to destroying the dignity of slaves as normal human beings until they surrender to the island life in humiliation and use their bodies to earn a steady stream of money for them. Bloody money.

Agape was one of the slaves trafficked here.

Unlike other slaves, he was sold by his parents on a cargo ship when he was very young. So far, all that remains of his memories of his old family is a bundle of mud-colored hemp ropes hanging from the dilapidated beams, dripping with endless salt water. His parents made a living by fishing. Whenever the bundle of water-soaked hemp rope was hung up, it was the time when his father was unable to go to sea due to bad weather and could only stay at home. At this time, he would always suffer a lot. Abuse, especially a lot of beatings.

Agape has forgotten the appearance of his parents, but given that he has dark brown smooth hair, fair skin with light freckles, and blue eyes, he often looks in the mirror and guesses, maybe when he was young, At that time, his parents also experienced a period of being sought after by the opposite sex.

... But this is not important anymore. For an intersex person, he is "a freak cursed by the devil", "he will make us suffer when he is born", and "God will punish this little bitch who comes to ask for his life." ". His childhood experiences and his unusual body made him have to have a timid character and a submissive way of dealing with things. In the hands of the slave owner known as "Dad", he did not suffer much hardship, and the whip marks on his body were few among his old and new companions.

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