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Gerald has fallen into a crazy situation.

Once a person enters a certain delusion and regards the illusion in his mind as reality, then this person may be a poet or philosopher, or he may be a barren lunatic. He may be wild and miserable, or he may be as happy as a pig. . In any case, it is indeed not a healthy attitude for a person to be troubled by hallucinations and unable to devote himself to real life, not to mention that the situation Gerald encountered is so complicated - his hallucinations are not entirely from imagination , but the memories that really happened in the past, all rushed up to bite him at this moment.


He held the name between his lips, gritted his teeth, chewed hard, and thought about its magic. No matter how reluctant he was, he had to admit the comfort and relief it brought. When he stayed in Agape's room and lived with him, he didn't have much experience with it, but once he left his side, Gerard must realize that the smell represented by Agape was so strange and so exciting. People...feel safe.

He grew up in the Moluccas and had smelled all the precious spices and complex and exotic perfumes in the world, but none of them could compare with Agape. Its smell is of butter, sweet apple and cinnamon powder, mixed with the faint fragrance of milk, the light fragrance of washing powder, and the acrid smell of ink on the sleeves and nose. It is a symbol of home, representing safety, warmth and relaxation. the concept of.

"Smell can convey many kinds of information," his mother said softly. After a long time, Gerald could no longer remember her face when she died young. Only her words were as clear as if they happened yesterday. "They can represent A person's class, status, and living environment. You know, people are not only defined by their appearance, but also by their smell."

Yes, he has always been so convinced that the smell of a person determines the level of their life. But... But God, after a nightmare, after a bloody flashback of convulsion, he just wanted to curl up and moan and roll in the smell of sweet apples, butter and ink, without caring about anything, not caring about anything. He knew that this idea was stupid and pathetic, but he didn't care at all. He had already gone crazy. Was he crazy? Yes, he was crazy, Gerald Scott was crazy.

He was slowly remembering everything. In fact, he would never forget that Jane Scott, and the Scotts who chose to side with her, came to see him once after his appearance was destroyed. .

"Gerald Scott?" She stood in front of him, covering her mouth and nose with an ivory folding fan, and the tips of her gold shoes were not stained with a trace of blood and dirt. "You said this is Gerald Scott, our former Eldest brother, the first heir of the family?"

Her voice became high-pitched due to surprise, and no one behind her spoke. Everyone could not hide their shock and observed him. This man was tied up with iron chains and didn't have a good piece of meat on his body. A man half kneeling on the ground.

"Yes," he heard the flattering voice of the warden, "I salute you, great lady, I am lucky to be able to witness your beauty in my next life. Answer your question! There is no doubt that this bold traitor is the hero. Ladd Scott, your...brother."

After a long period of stunned silence, when Jane Scott spoke again, Jane Scott's wild laughter almost overturned the ceiling of the prison.

Her crazy laughter spread up and down the tall building, and the Scots behind her also began to laugh, snickering, sneering, and laughing like a pack of scavenging hyenas surrounding them.

"I can't believe it!" Jane Scott said loudly. Through his blood-soaked eyes, Gerald was staring at her, "Our brother has lost his most perfect appearance and noblest identity. This is really a good thing that I never dreamed of! Holy Spirit, for this good thing, I really want to forgive a group of slaves and not feed them to the lions! But from this point of view, dear brother, look You are worse than the lowest slave now. Even if you go to the street to be a beggar, no one will look at you. Tell me, brother, how do you feel?" The crowd behind her also burst into laughter

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