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Agape doesn’t worry about anything. From the bottom of his heart, he is not afraid of the so-called parent-child relationship and can easily bring Lily back to Gerald Scott. Lily is stubborn and resolute. Once she decides something, it is difficult for eight horses to pull her back. In her mind, Black Crow is already a traitor to this family, and she will not casually forgive someone who betrayed Agape. , regardless of whether that person gave her diamonds as a gift or not, he once served as her "Mr. Crow".

However, curiosity is still an objective emotion. Agape couldn't help but want to refer to the method in that letter. He didn't believe it. Could it be that Gerald Scott would be better at parenting than him?

However, time waits for no one. Although he wanted to delve into the secret of the letter in detail, the current situation did not allow Agape to take his time leisurely. Regarding the territorial disputes in the Principality of Milan, there were increasing frictions between Spain and France, and the conflicts between Charles I and Francois I were also increasing. Wars were frequent, and not only was Juan Fonseca very busy, but as the bishop's powerful deputy, Agape also needed to invest a lot of time in the trade bureau.

"War, military expenses, shipping expenses, carriage and horse expenses, firearms expenses...everything is money, and money is being burned every minute and every second!" Juan Fonseca rapped the table with his heraldic ring angrily. , "This is not the time to bribe the elector. No matter how much the elector talks, there will always be a certain amount of money spent. What about fighting a war? This is a bottomless pit, Agape, and the money burned in the war is There will be no end!"

The Spanish Trade Bureau was in charge of the entry and exit of ships throughout the territory. As one of the important sources of tax support, it was natural that it would do its best for the emperor's conquest. As an out-and-out miser, the bishop's eyes turned green when he saw the gold pouring out of the vault like a flood.

"His Majesty is determined to take back Milan." Agape said gently, "This is his wish, and no one can oppose him on this matter." The bishop snorted coldly: "Fortunately, there are

always good results on the front line, and there are always good results in France. The situation is even less optimistic... Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the war is almost over. If the war continues, except for a land with more taxes and an empty treasury, our emperor will get nothing. In order to satisfy a family With such ambition, how much innocent gold must be broken out for nothing!"

Agape smiled: "Well, I won't use the word 'innocent' to describe gold..."

The bishop glared at him.

"Little bumpkin, what do you know?" Juan Fonseca said angrily, "Do you think everyone is a Scot who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? If the damn Portuguese ambassador is still here, I will definitely I will try my best to capture him and squeeze out every gold coin from his bone marrow, even if it triggers another war! In this world, what I hate most are the Scott people. They are naturally good. Life depends on the Spice Islands, guarding the gold and silver sea like a greedy fat dragon, squandering and squandering... I really want to beat them to death with my fists and arms!"

Agape secretly glanced at them. bishop.

"Half a million florins!" The bishop then said viciously, "Ha, you are really good at calculating. Is it enough to have a meal with the Spanish viscount for half a million florins? If I had known it would happen today, I would It must be eight hundred thousand, one million, and I will drain his blood! Ah, money! Why is it so difficult to save gold in the world and so quick to waste it? Merciful Heavenly Father, why don’t you tell me this question? The answer?"

Okay, this is really urgent.

It cannot be said that Bishop Burgos regards money as his life, but the fact is that he does have an obsession and a stubborn view that money must be spent where it is needed.

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