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Putting on the sackcloth of a slave, Gerald led more than fifty prisoners under his command. Each of them distributed a bag of water and food, a poison-quenched dagger, and a bottle of refined fire oil. Wrap with thick rope soaked in castor oil.

"Tie it to your belt. If you encounter any guards on the way, kill them if they get in your way." Gerald said expressionlessly, "Have you memorized the map?"

There was a low response from the prisoners.

"Very good. Come and gather at the shore when you are done. Remember what I said. After you go back, you will no longer be waiting for the death penalty. You can take a large amount of money, go to have fun, reunite with your family, and so on. It’s all good, you can enjoy the wealth and freedom, but the prerequisite is to complete your mission.”

The prisoners responded in unison again, their voices much louder than last time.

Gerald said no more. He put on his hat and wrapped the linen cloth to block the smell of spices around his face. The others followed suit. They rocked the boat silently on the winding river where the seawater merged into the islands, the oars lapping the water gently without making any ominous sound. After traveling like this all night, they finally saw the gorgeous Moluccan Palace, which was surrounded by mountains and inland rivers. The morning glow was splashing with golden afterglow, and the morning light was floating with rose-colored lace. It was so gorgeous that it looked like a god. The abode left in the world.

At last, Gerald thought, my home... my former home.

As the first family to discover the Moluccas and the Spice Islands, Scott has been operating for generations and has turned the Spice Islands into a state within a state, a private territory governed by foreign laws. For a long time, the slaves who were trafficked and plundered here worked hard and multiplied from generation to generation, gradually forming the scale of urban settlement. They used their flesh and blood backbones to prop up the Molucca Palace, the prosperity of the spice plantations, and the Scott family's majestic status in the world.

Dressed in the customary attire of a slave, Gerard blew a whistle gently, and the felons behind him quietly dispersed. They blend into the mixed crowd, like water into water.

It is clear that Jane Scott abandoned much of his political legacy, retaining only the most basic structure. The layout of the city has changed, and the patrol method of the guards is no longer what he is familiar with, but the history of the Molucca is destined to be complicated. In the darkness, there are always secrets that even his dear sister does not know.

After quietly getting rid of some lingering guards, Gerald got in and led some people into the secret passage.

This was originally a shelter prepared by the ancient Scotts to prevent slave riots, but a hundred years passed, and another hundred years passed, and the riots were bloody suppressed again and again. Very few slaves could escape that tragic fate. , today, only these passages leading to the interior of the Molucca Palace and key points of the fortress still retain the marks of the years.

"Split up," Gerald said, "Remember the locations of the warehouses on the map and burn them. Your mission will be considered successful." "

What about you?" A bold prisoner asked more, "You want to go Where?"

Gerald paused, a strange smile twisted on his face. Even though the prisoners behind him couldn't see his expression clearly, an ominous chill suddenly rose in the air, as if Death himself was coming. Breathing slowly over their shoulders.

"I want to repay some people." He said softly, "to repay the hospitality they once gave me."

After saying this, he got into one of the roads without looking back.

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