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While Gerald’s body and mind were suffering in the fire, Agape was rummaging around the house in a hurry. The fire burned most of the items, but fortunately some of the most important items were locked into boxes and buried underground.

He was summoned by the priest, and the old man asked him to immediately put on his apprentice's uniform and report to him. As for the specific reason, the priest did not say.

However, Agape could vaguely guess what was going on. Just two weeks after the departure of the Black Crow, a passing fleet dropped off several survivors of the shipwreck here. They were wearing church robes and bearing the episcopal emblem, and were sent unconscious to the priest's residence - —Maybe these people are awake?

These days, Agape works twice as hard to make up for the loss of a friend. He went to the priest's house more frequently, spent more time with Lily, and planted several pots of wild roses. He stayed at home and made an excessive amount of applesauce pie and syrup sandwich biscuits with Mrs. Hetty, and distributed them on the street. Give to the poor.

He spent his time so squanderingly, which finally relieved the depression in his heart.

Agape took a breath, found the apprentice's uniform, put it on immediately, and hurried to the priest.

His guess was not wrong, those survivors did wake up.

The visitors' accents had a strange curly accent. Through the door, he couldn't clearly hear what they were saying. He only knew that these people had fierce voices and tough attitudes. They didn't look like a few people who had just escaped from death. prisoner.

The old priest offered good advice. After a while, the priest opened the door and came out. When he saw Agape, the gloom in his gray eyebrows faded away.

"My child, let us go this way." The priest sighed, "This is so ridiculous..."

Agape asked: "What happened, teacher?"

The priest tightened his lips and said nothing until They turned down the corridor and came to a closed storage room. The priest closed the door and turned around solemnly.

"My child, you have to promise me that what we say today will not be heard by any third pair of mortal ears except the Holy Spirit in heaven." He solemnly warned, "Otherwise, I will keep this secret I’ll tell you what happened, and it hurt you!”

Agape immediately became serious, and when he saw that he had sworn the oath respectfully, the priest nodded and started telling him.

"As you can see, these people are both our church brothers and courtiers from the Spanish court. Although they are all clergy serving God, they have other plans and ways out in the secular world." The priest slowly prepared the words. , "Because they are affiliated with Bishop Juan of Burgos, who was once the royal priest of Queen Isabella. Needless to say, you know how much power he enjoys."

Agape was secretly surprised. , he knew this Bishop Juan, Black Crow had mentioned his name several times.

"This bishop is not an easy person to get along with, I have to say." The priest's lips tightened, "He is a bureaucrat, a cruel and ruthless person who puts interests first, yes, even in front of Judgment Day I will make these decisions without hesitation. He is in charge of an organization called the Bureau of Trade in Spain, and all ship traffic within the country must go through his handwriting in order to conduct his own business... Gold The light has already blinded his eyes!"

After the priest finished speaking these words excitedly, he sighed deeply and crossed himself on his chest.

"Then what are these people here for?" Agape couldn't help but ask.

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