(V5) Chapter 2.1

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OUR physical education classes would be free periods from here on out, we students being able to use the time effectively. Before hand, I was casually texting with someone. They think they're... I suppose close to me. I don't really feel that way, in hindsight, they kind of annoy me.

However, whenever they're acting normal... it sucks. It shows how humans can turn from nice beings to downright horrendous ones. Infact, I'm horrendous myself. Manipulating her like that... but I have better things to focus on.

I said goodbye to her, and she responded with a kissing emoji. I then put my phone away and waited for Hirata to give instructions.

Hirata submitted a request to the school and obtained a device for measuring grip strength, which he brought to our P.E. period the next day. In line with Horikita's plan, we would prioritize ability.

"Okay, let's line up. How about we measure the grip strength of our dominant hand? I'll record the results. I borrowed two of these, so we can split up to save time."

Hirata handed the devices to the people standing at his left and right: Hondou and Yukimura. Sudou, who apparently didn't like that, snatched one device for himself.

"Let's start with me, Hirata. That'll set a high standard." he said, wanting to showcase his own strength.

"Um... Well then, let's have Sotomura-kun stand next to you and take his measurement simultaneously, Sudou-kun." replied Hirata.

"Check it out, Ayanokouji. This is what a real man looks like. Uraaah!" said Sudou, with a suitable bellow.

His shoulders shook while he tightly gripped the device in his right hand. The numbers on the digital readout shot up rapidly. In an instant they climbed to 50, then 60, then over 70. In the end, the number on the digital display was 82.4 kilograms. Everyone around us went crazy.

"What the heck, dude? You're stupidly strong!"

"Heh. It's just 'cause I train all the time. Only natural. Hey, come on. You do it, Kouenji."" Sudou displayed his score to Kouenji, trying to provoke the other boy.

"I'll pass. Ignore me." Kouenji polished his fingernails and blew on them.

What? You scared of losing to me or something? Guess that's understandable. Heh!" It was an obvious jab, but Kouenji didn't respond. "Tch. Oh, hey. Ayanokouji." Sudou said, pushing the item onto Ayanokouji's hands.

"...What's the average for an ordinary high-school student."

'It's 125 kilograms.' I wanted to say out loud but Sudou beats it to me. 

"I dunno. Probably around 60 kilograms?"

"Around 60, huh?"

Ayanokouji gripped the device, then proceeded to slowly grip it before eventually stopping.

"It's 60.6."

"Heh. You're pretty strong, Ayanokouji-kun." replied Hirata.

"Huh? Wait, isn't that around average?"

"I think the average is lower than that, actually. 45 or 50?" He mused. 

"Hirataaaa. I got a 42.6. Can you give me a few tiny bonus points and make it 50?" asked Ike.

Ayanokouji realizing this looked at Sudou with disappointment, the ladder doing a nervous laugh.

Hirata, smiling wryly, wrote down 42.6 in his notebook. Sotomura got 42, and Miyamoto, who went afterward, got a 48. There were certainly a lot of people scoring under 50.

Eventually it was my turn. I'm not making the mistake the rookie did, but I was curious as to what this body could do.

When the device was handed to me, I slowly gripped the device, going from 50...to 60...to 70...oh wow.

It got to the point where it exceeded 90, but by then I decided to reset the device.

"90 kilograms is insane, if that's this body imagine Ayanokouji's..." I quietly said to myself.

"What's the hold up, Shinjiro-kun?" Hirata asked me.

"The device bugged out, let me try again."

This time, I made the device reach 58.7 kg, It's slightly above average at least but lower than the rookie's.

Besides Koenji, I ended up placing third in the class. Next came Hirata in third place with 57.9. Sudou couldn't hide his disappointment in our classmates.

"Man, I can't rely on a single one of you. The next best is Ayanokouji and third is Shinjiro? This might as well be over 'Least Hirata is up there I guess..."

After the boys finished taking their measurements, we handed the devices to the girls. Since there would be mixed guy-and-girl competitions, knowing everyone's strength would be necessary.

Hirata filled out names for recommended-participant events based on the results he collected. "Okay, so we can simply go in order, based on grip strength, for the tug-of-war and the four-way tug-of-war. That'll be Sudou-kun, Ayanokouji-kun, Shinjiro-kun, and me."

"What exactly is a four-way tug-of-war, anyway? I ain't ever heard of that." said Sudou.

"I haven't heard of it before either, so I looked into it. It's pretty much exactly what its name says. It's a tug-of-war competition in which four people are chosen from each of the four classes, for a total of sixteen people. It sounds like it's a tug-of-war contest where those sixteen people pull simultaneously." said Hirata.

"Hey, Hirata, are we not getting any more chances to enter events?"

"Oh no, it's not like that. It's just, well, I think that competitions like the scavenger hunt are based more on luck than athleticism." replied Hirata.

"Luck? So, how are we going to decide that?"

"Simple is best. How about we go with rock-paper-scissors?" Hirata suggested.

I lost the third round, but to be fair I didn't want to do the scavenger hunt. 5 students, 3 boys and 3 girls, were picked.

"Ayanokouji-kun, Yukimura-kun, Sotomura-kun, Mori-san, and Maezono-san. You five," said Hirata. Adding Sudou, that made six classmates who would participate in the scavenger hunt.

"Alas! I-I have been chosen to participate in the scavenger hunt? Alack!" the Professor wailed with great dramatic flair. "Why, oh why did I throw rock at that moment? Alas."

"I'm so jealous!" whined Ike.

Pretty soon, Hirata completely filled the roster for every event. "All done." He closed his notebook, and the class let out a sigh of relief. However, this roster was temporary. Depending on how practice went, and if any future events might unpredictably change the original outcomes, changes might be made.

"This information is top secret, so everyone, please only make note of your events and your partners. No photographs." said Hirata.

"What's the matter, Ayanokouji-kun? You look more somber than usual." Horikita asked Ayanokouji.

"Many participants were chosen against their will." He told her.

"There's nothing to be done about that. In our class, there's an extremely wide gap between the athletic and unathletic students." she replied.

"That's certainly true."

Horikita looks towards me.

"What is it?" I spurted out.

"You look like a newborn baby."

"The fuck does that mean. That I'm ugly?"

"While that wasn't my intention, yes you do."

I put my face into my hands, fake crying.

"It was more-so you look as if it's your first time being here. What are you, a Japanese made lab experiment?"

"To be fair, a baby is technically an experiment by both parents as they're also Jap-"

"So, Ayanokouji-kun. You seem to be decently strong. How do you feel that you're forced to participate in volunteer events?" Horikita asked, ignoring me. And for good reason.

"It was a mistake. A mistake I tell you."

"Well, I'm not surprised seeing your physique. 60 kilograms though is pretty good you know?"

"Are you complimenting me?"

"No, I'm precisely trying to make fun of you for being forced to participate is all."

"Whatever your goal is, it's working." 


Word Count: 1193 Words

Edited: January 16th, 2024

The School Full of Elite Students: (V5-V11.5) Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now