(V6) Chapter 4: Suspicious Things Unfold

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Kushida looked at the phone with intrigue. She was looking at the text that was sent to him.

"He thought this through very nicely. How good of him~"

It had to be done before such a thing is even thought. If Kushida was beat to it, all was over.

'...I'll have to do this in order for this to work, right?'

Horikita couldn't know about this. Hirata would likely think something was going on.

"I... don't think Chabashira-sensei would care that much. Would she?"

Teachers, unless it's against the stated rules, cannot interfere in student matters. If Kushida were to come up with a good reason to submit her own questions, Chabashira-sensei would likely accept.

She needed a good reason; thus, she texted Ryuen about the matter. Minutes later, he responded.

[I've thought of that. I have a plan in motion. Just follow my instructions.]

Kushida felt a bit annoyed that she was being used again, however she quickly dispersed that anger.

[You want to win the bet. Right?]

[Of course I do. I want to take whatever it takes.]

[Rejoice, Kikyou. I'd need you to do this as well.]

A list of instructions was sent to her.

"I need to do all this...?" She wasn't even sure if she could do these things. It was incredibly risky; however she had a sense of determination to expel them.

I need to do this to expel Horikita-san and Ayanokouji-kun...'

First Horikita, then Ayanokouji. Maybe even 2 birds with one stone. It's only after her goal's accomplished, where she will try to expel Ryuen. And so, she started walking towards Chabashira-sensei.



Study sessions for my group ended after a while. As we were packing up to go, I saw yet again Kushida packing her things quickly. After doing so, she fiddles with her phone and places it on her right ear.

'What is she up to?'

My only and obvious conclusion is that she's working with Ryuen. It was a no-brainer. However, what are they doing is still unknown. 

'By now, the bet is already made. Kushida will try to get the answers from Ryuen's class to pass mathematics with an extremely high score. In exchange Kushida has to give Ryuen's class the questions our class came up with.'

Whether we win or lose, oh well. I'm not partaking too much in this. Horikita will be facing this on her own.

["Kushida-san, I remember you saying that you wanted to talk, right?"]

I hear female voice talking through Kushida's phone. I immediately recognized that voice. I was close by so I'm assuming some were hearing.

"Yes. Is it fine if we meet up later?"

["Yes, of course. It would better if it were privately. People seeing us were cause quite a rumor. He wouldn't want that."]

Kushida has a new 'friend' huh? An odd pairing for sure. While thinking of that, I observed Kushida walking away with her phone placed next to her ear and with her belongings. Afterwards I texted Ayanokouji about the situation, I'd also see Karuizawa typing on her phone instead.


Ayanokouji's Point of View

[Kushida's talking with someone on the phone about something important. Might be red flag. I'll talk to you later.]

[Kiyotaka, I heard Kushida talking with some girl I don't recognize from our class. It could be from Ryuen's class. It might be bad news. Though the creep probably told you, huh?]

"That 'creep' did indeed tell me..."

"...Kiyopon?" Haruka looked confused at my statement.

"It's nothing. Sorry for making you concerned."

So Kushida is finally making moves. Of course, Ryuen is involved, but I'll need more information on what they're doing specifically. For now, while Shinjiro and Karuizawa are observing the class along with Kushida, I'll observe Kushida more than them. I want to see how she handles this.

If turmoil were to be out of control in Class C, it wouldn't be good. From there on, intervention would be needed.

Infact... intervention has already been in effect from my part. There's no point in saying 'would'.

"It's okay! I wouldn't be surprised if you say weird things of the bat. You have a unique mind, you know? Besides you're kinda bad with social cues."

Ah. I see. Thanks for potentially saying I have some sort of autism. I'll get myself checked.

"Whatever you say... Also, Keisei, I'm sorry. I'm caught up with something." I got up and looked at Keisei. "You're fine with this? Since we're in a study session currently."

"It's fine." He stated. "I can handle them three."

"Yukimuu, it sounds like we're some trouble for you... I feel hurt."

"Airi is fine and Miyake as well. You...on the other hand..."

"What's on the other hand!?"

Miyake nudged Haruka to be silent, which she got the hint.

"You've been leaving pretty early recently from our hangouts. Sometimes you even cancel being with us."

"I know, and I apologize. I'm studying at home as well as being busy with something personal. Well, I'm off. Sorry again."

"It's alright, Kiyopon!"

"I'll see you potentially tomorrow then."

"See ya man."

"Have a good day, K-Kiyotaka-kun!"

Haruka petted Airi like a cat. "It's too cute when you stutter. You might make me have a heart attack."

"P-Please stop that! If you don't want a heart attack, s-stop doing that!"

"It'll be a pleasurable death!"

I feel concerned for Yukimura and Miyake, dealing with her... ah there's also Airi. 

I'm sorry, Airi.

I bid them farewell and began walking. In the meantime, I messaged Karuizawa.

'I know for certain Kushida's getting help with someone, in return Ryuen is using Kushida. I can already suspect the use of that person.'

I could come up with some answers, but I can only say for Horikita to try her hardest.


Word Count: 798 Words

I'm not gonna lie, I have trouble writing this chapter, hence how short it is. I also still haven't figured out the entire strategy Ryuen and Kushida's going to do so updates are going to be longer than usual. Sorry!

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