(V7) Chapter 1.2

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THE day went by as mostly normal. It started to snow a lot, not heavily but a lot. Thankfully, I check the weather forecast daily, so I had my coat and scarf. 

...I was... confused.

I was unsure as to why that group, Nene included, weren't as harsh. 

Was it due to them wanting to not appear as harsh as the others?  I mean, were they trying to win a 'Nicest Group' award or something? Beats me.

Lunchtime was rolling around, and even though I wasn't exactly starving, I felt like I could use some wisdom. So, who better to turn to than the two most 'unjudgmental' individuals I know? 

"So, girls can fall for oddballs, huh..."


"Oops, my bad," I couldn't see it on his face, but I could almost hear the 'smug' in his voice. A poor attempt on that.

"Let's move past Ayanokouji-kun's terrible attempt at humor..."

"Hey now..." Ayanokouji turned to Horikita, who was completely focused on me.

"There could be several reasons. She might want more information or a firsthand account of the incident. She might be trying to mend bridges and become friends again. Or she might be plotting to get you arrested."

Everything she said, except for the last part, seemed pretty plausible.

"Look. I'm not exactly her... confidante, but I did notice her glancing my way a few times," I shared. This has been happening since we were partnered up in the most recent special exam.

"She had a golden opportunity to discuss this during the Paper Shuffle Exam," Horikita pointed out.

"You're not wrong, but maybe she wasn't ready to face the situation then," Ayanokouji mused. "I mean, who can say for sure?"

"Only she can." I replied.

"That's a fair point."

We had veered off topic a bit.

"What should I do? I want to make amends to her," I asked them both.

"Steal her underwear in a bold display of dominance."

I stared at Horikita, my face a mask of disbelief and confusion.

"Or, you know, just answer her questions. Goodness, your common sense is on par with a... umm." Horikita appeared to be in thought.

"Can't find the words, can you?" Ayanokouji teased.

"No, it's just that his common sense is so abysmal, I can't quite think of an animal to compare it to."

So, I'm here to be the butt of Horikita's jokes, huh?

"Thanks for... the help. I'll be on my way now," I said.

"Good luck," Ayanokouji wished me, his voice as emotionless as ever.

"Don't mess up," was Horikita's succinct advice. When I was moving away, I heard them talking about something.


The park.

That was the place Nene chose to meet up.

It was a peaceful setting, a stark contrast to the turmoil of thoughts swirling in my mind. The benches were scattered along the sidewalk. The brownish-grass field that was previously stretched out on both sides now covered with snow. The dotted with trees that stood tall and proud, the last couple of leaves wandering away as winter was here. It was peaceful.

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