(V6) Chapter 5.2

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THE exam would soon be here. Many students' motivation and energy were draining from both studying and the anticipation of the exam. December was here and the final exam is less the three days away. Tomorrow is the weekends, and the exam would start on Monday.

Even after the onslaught of rumors that hit Class C, which descrambled them internally. Many were still united against Class C, especially after several days that more or less, the rumors were just allegations and simply to target Class C. Even then, there remained some distrust in our class.

Ryuen's two goals were to beat Class C, and to smoke out the puppet master hiding behind Horikita.  Ryuen could've either made heavily difficult questions or study extensively. Surprisingly, it seemed like the latter. Either way, it was a pretty ordinary strategy to do. They were studying, either in the library or commonly in their own classroom. 

Today was the day of submitting Class C's test questions. I was walking with Horikita and Ayanokouji. Horikita kept the questions as secure as possible, and her own strategy against Kushida would surely work, so there wasn't anything to particularly worry about. But even then, I suppose there's something off.

"What are our chances?" Ayanokouji asked Horikita.

"Can't say. The school made multiple adjustments, but the most difficult part of the exam is over with. It's very likely that we will beat Ryuen's class in academics anyway."

She exuded confidence. Perhaps due to her own strategy this exam as well as the Zodiac exam, she thinks she's able to stand off against Ryuen and Kushida.

While making our way to the staff room, we bumped into Ryuen in the hallway.

"Yo, Suzune." Ryuuen wore a bold smile on his face. He also held a manila envelope.

"Is this a coincidence? Or an ambush, perhaps?" asked Horikita.

"It's inevitable. I was waiting for you."

"An ambush, then." Horikita let out an exasperated sigh and walked past Ryuen.

"You're submitting your test problems at the last minute too, huh? Let's go together," said Ryuuen, holding out his manila envelope. "Anyone might try and sneak a peek at this, so I understand your caution."

"I don't feel like talking to you."

"Oh, come on, the rumors have stopped. Aren't you happy?"

"You're the one making the rumors, even if it stopped."

"I admit, I had some part in it, but I was just 'passing it around'." Well, he's lying. "But it wasn't only me y'know?"

She stopped and looked at him. "What do you possibly mean by that?"

Ryuen stopped walking as well. "Before the onslaught of rumors that began, there were a couple small rumors that started. Of course, they were more or less bad, but it wasn't to the degree of now. I suppose that person was just testing to see if they can make rumors in this school. I suppose I just... saw that the school didn't care that much and there goes the rest."

"So, another person started the rumors and you just so happened to make it worse."

He nodded and we began walking again. "I really hope that whatever intelligence you squeezed out of those defective pieces of garbage in your class works in Class C's favor. Is your class all jumbled up in turmoil?" he said.

Horikita ignored him. "Have you two been studying properly? How are things with you and your partners?" she asked us.

"I guess we're safe." I replied on behalf of Ayanokouji.

The School Full of Elite Students: (V5-V11.5) Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now