(V6) Chapter 5.1

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"WHAT is it that you need?" She immediately asked once I got near her. We were in a secluded area, away from everyone else. It was unlikely anyone would hear us.

"Quite aggressive today huh?" I stated. "I take it you're ready for the submission day?"

"Of course, I am." She nodded. "I'm keeping it confidential as I possibly can." She said, but soon after she started looking at me puzzled.

"I have a suspicion Kushida is trying to expel you." I said.

"Oh? You don't think?" She sarcastically snapped back at me.

"Not in the way that you expect it to be. I just want to confirm something. It's nothing there, then I'm stupid." I casually claimed. "It has something to do with your blazer."

Once I said that, Horikita smirked ever so slightly before returning to her usual face.

"Oh, that? I've gotten that covered. Kushida tried to clean my blazer and insert some sort of cheat sheet, no? It looked to be somewhat obvious from that day."

"That was the point, she tried making it obvious so you would catch on."

"Then why would she do such a stupid thing?"

"To gauge your ability to solve problems, I suppose." I sighed. "That's not the main point. Open your blazer."

She opened her blazer as I asked her, "What about it?"

I went to reach inside her blazer before she slapped it away from me, "What do you think you-"

"Open both of your pockets inside your blazer."

"Pockets inside my blazer?" She opened the one on the right and found nothing, but once she grabbed inside the left pocket... a folded sheet was pulled out in front of us.

"This... this is..." She stumbled as she opened the sheet up, revealing that it's indeed a cheat sheet. "I checked..."

"I guess Kushida somehow have her ways. She managed to plant a cheat sheet in your blazer."

Horikita stood there quiet as I continued speaking my explanation.

"Don't you get it? She's trying to expel you regardless. That bet was a farce. If she managed to win the bet, you would leave the school. If she managed to lose the bet, she would simply bring up that you were 'cheating'."

"I see... so either way, she was intent on expelling me."

"Essentially, yeah." 

If Kushida continued to be a threat, our rise to Class A may get jeopardized. 

"If that's the case... despite me wanting to make peace with her, I'll have to be more careful around her."

"It's not just about being careful, it's about being proactive."

"I've already got that covered for this exam." Oh, I sure you do.

"My point is, Kushida needs to be expelled." Once I said that, Horikita opened her eyes more and shook her head. 

"No... I get that she's too unpredictable as of this moment... but she's valuable to the class."

"Despite her social skills and information gathering, those don't outweigh her betraying our class."

Although her ability to gain information is important for class battles, we have another alternative that we could improvise. Hirata, for example, is one I could think of.

"...I'll think about her getting expelled, but since she has betrayed us as well as her tactics, she did recently to me, I may have to take a more forceful approach to her."

May? Oh well, as long as she recognized that Kushida is a threat to be dealt with, my goal is accomplished. Even if Kushida wasn't the one who inserted the cheat sheet in Horikita but instead Karuizawa, this would make her at least make her aware of how much of a threat Kushida is, regardless of if what method I employed was fabrication.

"I hope you take appropriate measures to take care of Kushida's threat to our class. She'll destroy our chances of getting into Class A."

When Horikita heard that, her lips curled downwards and she slightly furrowed her eyebrows. Fearing the possibility of our class crumbling down because of her, her face turned into one of determination.

"I'm sure you'll see once I submit the test questions that I've taken action against her." She said as she turned around and walked away from me.


Unfortunately, that 'action' did not come into full effect.


Word Count: 609 Words

I took a 2-month break (and my laptop stopped working yet again, this might be some running gag). Sorry I did not notify you all 👍

The School Full of Elite Students: (V5-V11.5) Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now