(V6) Chapter 4.1

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FINISHING my glazed honeybun, I quickly put it into a nearby trashcan before continuing on my adventure. 

"Oi...oi... what's this...!?"

"Is this all made by Ryuen-kun!?"

I was hearing ruckus happening inside the classroom and we weren't even 30 meters in.

"The fuck's happening now?" I asked myself... which didn't answer. Yesterday I witnessed something fishy with Kushida and Matsushita and now this? Whatever Ryuen's doing, let's hope he's cooking something up instead of plainly microwaving it. Cause even microwaving something wrong can have something cold on it...

I should stop.

 But whatever was happening inside, I needed to get there quickly. I began to up my pace-



I turned away to see a concerned Kushida. She looked like she was running as she was heavily out of breath.

"Do you know what's happening!?"

"No. I just got here." I was skeptical of Kushida, so I step back a bit. "All I know is something bad happened in our class. You have any info on this?"

"Only that these rumors seem to be attacking Class A as well."

"Rumors huh?"

"Yes." She nodded aggressively. "I've been getting texts and calls over it. This started since last night and only grew worse this morning. The entire first year is talking about it!"

"Well, is that so?"

Rumors. These were supposed to take place in Volume 9 but they're happening now. Of course, these rumors can be totally different from the ones from Volume 9, but who knows?

All I know is that Ryuen's upping his game.

"This...is confusing me." Sakayanagi obviously isn't doing this as well.

"...Is something wrong?"

Let's say Ryuen were to be the mastermind behind this, he has no business attacking Class A as well. I mean sure, it could be argued that it's to make Class A lose against Class B via the rumors. That doesn't make much sense currently. However, since the rumors were happening, there was a chance it could've not been Ryuen.

"Kushida." I begin to speak. "Did they write their name on the rumors?"

She shook her head. "I'm positive it could be Ryuen-kun though!"

Well, there goes that. There's still a chance, but for now I'll have to say Ryuen's doing this. "Are they attacking Horikita as well? With the rumors I mean."

"I don't know." She shook her head. "I feel concerned, both for her and the class. The rumors first started roughly a week ago, but they were minor even if they were bad. After a bit of silence and randomly started to pick its pace."

She started rubbing her right arm and looked down. 

"K-Kushida... I..." I stumbled upon my words to figure out the exact wording I wanted to say.

She looked up at me with one of the most adorable, puppy filled eyes my eyes laid upon on.

"...Yes?" She asked me.

"Don't stand there, fix what's happening." I turned around and started moving to the direction of our classroom. At least do your job, woman. Now, where was I? ...Right.

'Ryuen is trying to cause internal turmoil specifically within Class C. Could he be trying to disguise it by attacking Class A along with it?'

Besides disguising the whole ordeal, he has no gain from it. If anything, it might turn Sakayanagi to focus on him for some time. Which is good for me at least. But even then, there's no point in the disguise. The disguise is already gone, people know... or think he's attacking Class A for that reason. From them losing class point or to making them feel scared to even causing turmoil, I truly don't know.

The School Full of Elite Students: (V5-V11.5) Classroom of the Elite x Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now