Chapter 29: Last Days in the Capital

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In the evening, back at Aldrich... Quentin showed everyone to the guest rooms area in Aldrich.

Quentin> "You'll be staying here a while, so make sure to get familiar with where to go to get here. Anyways, make yourselves at home."

Ren> "Um.. master there's only 5 guest rooms."

Quentin> "Right, everyone but one person will be sharing a room with someone. So please choose who you are most comfortable with."

Alvina> "Screw all of you, I'm rooming with Verna. She's the only one I trust right now."

Quentin> "Very well, just pick a room then."
Alvina went into one of the rooms.

Ren> "That was kind of rude... anyways..."

Since Darker and David K were in the same guild, and knew each other pretty decently, they took one look at each other to agree to room together.

David K.> "So... we're rooming, right?"

Darker> "Yeah, that's fine with me."
They both decided on a room together.

Shashin> "Well, looks like Blake is the only one left."

Blake> "It's fine, because I would prefer to be alone anyways."

Shashin> "Is that so?"
Probably the most surprising thing just happened then, Shashin walked up to Blake and made a bold demand.

Shashin> "It's a shame, because I chose you."

Solaris> "Wait... huh?! You're going to room with him?"

Shashin> "It's better this way anyways so genders don't mix."

Solaris> "Hm, touché."
Blake knew there was another reason, but he didn't question it.

Blake> "Alright, let's room together then."

Blazera> "Mehkit, are you fine having your own room? I'm sure you understand why I want to be with Solaris."

Mehkit> "Of course, I get my own privacy anyway."

Blazera> "Thank you."
They all went to their individual rooms to sleep for the evening after a long and exhausting day...

Quentin> "That was a lot easier than I imagined."

Ren> "Well, I'm glad it isn't as awkward as I thought it would be."

Quentin> "Yes, that's always good."

Ren> "So, how are we going to explain it to the rest of the members?"

Quentin> "They'll have to live with it. I'm sure at least Fin will be understanding of the circumstances, if he can forgive the devil for possessing him..."

Ren> "Honestly, if you ask me, Johnathan will probably be the most understanding. He trusts you to lead us, so he trusts your decision and word. He's loyal to you."

Quentin> "I suppose we will see tomorrow. For now, we need to rest..."

Ren> "Yeah, let's do that first."

August 21st, XXXX, Day after the Finale

The next morning, it was early in the morning, around 5am in the morning and Blake woke up, made his bed and changed into clothes to go out. As soon as he opened the door to leave the room, Shashin heard him...

Shashin> "And where might you be going at this time...? Isn't it way too early..."

Blake> "Says the kid who literally stayed up till' 4am..."

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