Chapter 1 | Caio, Luka

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A/n: these first two chapters are a rework of the initial oneshot.

A lot had changed since Luka had left school. As you'd expect after graduating, life shifted from teenage shenanigans to young adult ones. Right now he was in Italy, on a scholarship to one of the top arts universities where he was learning to make instruments by hand. It was a lot of work, but he loved it. Despite the tiny apartment and almost hour long commute to campus, he was living by the sea and doing what he loved. To afford the rent, he worked not far from his apartment at the juice bar of the farmers market. It actually paid decently to his surprise, he was sure he'd need to ask his mum for a bit of starting off help money when he first got here. Oh, and he had a cat! You'd expect him to have a snake as the snake miraculous guy, but there were laws around reptile keeping in Italy. So a cat it was, he'd picked up a very fluffy like guy from a shelter that was overflowing with kittens from a rather hectic kitten season. They were willing to give some away for free if you could take care of them from only a few weeks old. Bottle feeding them and such. Luka was just going to look, but he was weak to the tiny mews of a scruffy little fella who didn't have a name yet.

He'd FaceTimed his mum and sister back in Paris to show them after the cat had grown a little, and he was still trying to think of a name. It was Juleka who came up with it, but it was so good he had to use it. The cat had a habit of narrowing his eyes to look very intently at people, so Juleka came up with the name 'Quintin B Squintin'. Luka laughed so had he had to pick that name. So his cat was now Quinn for short, formally known as Quintin B Squintin.

When he'd graduated back in Paris, Kitty section all got together and decided to take a break while everyone went off across the country for their university degrees. But they did plan on coming back as a band when they all had them in about three years. It was the second year at the moment, the band still keeping in contact and planning to reunite eventually. The friend group as a whole has kept in decent contact, despite being all over the place for their work and university endeavours.

His sister, still dating Rose of course, was in university for literature while Rose was doing fashion design with Marinette. Nino had managed to get a decent amount of DJ gigs here and there and was working to make that his full time thing, Alya was going into journalism. Nath and Marc were actually making some really good money off their comics, but still went into an art course to really define their skills. Overall, everyone was making their way.

Well, all but Adrien. No one actually knew where he was.

After Ladybug has taken back the miraculous, and Hawkmoth was revealed as Gabriel Agreste, shit (expectedly) hit the fan for Adrien. He was thrown for a massive loop, he already had a bad relationship with his father but now he knew the truth, everything was worse. He knew it was his own father causing the city terror and he the broken miraculous was the cause of his mothers death and Nathalie's chronic illness. Understandably after that he'd completely withdrew from everything and everyone. No matter how many times the group tried to help, it didn't seem to work.

The company fell as well, no one wanting to support Gabriel and Gabriel himself behind bars so he couldn't run it. Adrien would have been the one to inherit it, but he was underage when this all happened. So it went his his aunt instead, who after talking to Nathalie and Adrien decided there was no way to save it after such a scandal and sold it off. The funds made went to Adrien for when he turned 18 as was his right as next of kin. And then graduation happened, and Adrien was just gone.

It was hard to figure out the details, but from what the group knew he and Nathalie left Paris. The reason why wasn't clear, maybe it was to be away from the city that traumatised him or maybe it was for Nathalie's treatment since she was stuck chronically ill now. But they were both gone, the Agreste mansion was sold, the billboards Adrien was plastered all over slowly disappeared and all that was left was rumours.

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