Chapter 10 | connected

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A/n: v sexy chapter so warning.

There was a very clear difference between hooking up, and making love.

What that night had turned into? That was making love. They'd been separated for almost two years, yearning for each other for longer. All the drama in their teen years kept them apart but now? They had each other all to themselves.

Adrien didn't want to let Luka go, he wouldn't let go. He was so drunk in love at the mere gentle touch, he wanted to consume the taller man and drink him in completely. Locked in each other's arms, forever in each others hearts, balls deep inside him. Dumbification didn't come close to how he felt right now, he'd already cum once, but he was so far from exhausted and the overstimulation just felt like an aching desire.

It was midnight, and they were still going at it.

Gentle gasps between sensual kisses, tight grips on each other's bodies, longing gazes into the eyes and pure, aphrodisiac ecstasy. This wasn't sex, this was making love.

"Mhmm- Adrien, your nails-" Luka groaned, feeling Adrien's cat like nails digging into his back.

"S-sorry-" Adrien replied between sharp breaths.

He loosened his grip a little, but wouldn't let go of his lover.

"It's not that I don't like the idea of your scratches on my back, I just... ah- fuck.." Luka trailed off, unable to finish his sentence.

He was so close, he'd already gotten Adrien to finish but he was not far behind. And they absolutely didn't plan on stopping after one round. They had so much more of each others bodies to explore.

"Please, let me feel it-" Adrien said, craving the feeling of his lovers cum deep inside him.

That was all Luka needed, the permission. Because with a stifled moan, he was pushed over the edge. Adrien whined at the sensation, enough to make him hard all over again. It felt like he'd drunk the ambrosia of the old Roman gods, enough to make his back arch and his hips buck into Luka's in an attempt to get it as deep as possible.

Luka loomed over him, catching his breath and staying put. He couldn't pull out even if he wanted too, Adrien had his legs clamped tightly around him. He wanted Luka to stay inside him, like if they parted they'd vanish into thin air.

"Fuck..." Luka sighed, his forehead touching Adrien's.

"Don't leave..." Adrien muttered, pulling him down into a tight hug.

Luka lay atop him, wrapping his arms tightly around the blonde.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm not done with you either I just... need my breath..." he replied.

For a moment they lay there in silence, taking in each other's warmth and sex drenched scent.  Luka pressed a kiss to Adrien's cheek, making his heart soar.

"I love you" Adrien smiled.

"I love you too... fuck I didn't know how badly I needed you until now" Luka replied.

"We're not done until the sun comes up, we have so much lost time to make up for" Adrien replied.

Luka pressed his lips to Adrien's, starting another heated kiss. Definitely not the first one that night. Adrien was quick to indulge, running his hands down Luka's body as they kissed, desperate to keep in contact with one another.

Luka shifted back up onto his knees, pulling out in the process leaving Adrien feeling empty and leaking onto the sheets. They hadn't thought about the mess when they started... but Luka needed to do some laundry anyway.

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