Chapter 13 | raw talent

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"Holy shit Adrien..." Luka muttered, reading through the three 15 page each chapters Adrien had cranked out in one night.

The blonde sat across from his boyfriend, eyes baggy behind his sunglasses. They'd scheduled to have a little date and get some lunch together today, and despite Adrien being tired as all hell from that impromptu all nighter, he still showed up. He wasn't going to just skip a chance to see Luka, plus, he needed Luka to read through what he had so far.

"This is fucking phenomenal. And it's only a first draft too..." Luka said.

Adrien smiled, glad to have the stamp of approval from the most artistic person he knew.

"It just came to me, I had a lightbulb moment and suddenly I couldn't stop writing" Adrien explained.

"You've got some real talent hun, I already want to know where this story goes" Luka replied, passing his laptop back over the table.

Adrien closed the lid, putting his laptop away in his bag for now so they could focus on their lunch and actually talking.

"I'm glad you finally found your spark, you can make it real far with that hidden talent of yours" Luka said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Thanks, I'm still kind of figuring out the middle and ending... but I know the main idea of the story. I'm trying to decide how... raw to make it" Adrien replied.

"Honestly, make it super raw. Even if it makes the reader uncomfortable, good. That's the whole point, to highlight exactly how disgusting these kinds of people are"

He made a good point. The best way to shine light on abuse is to not sugarcoat anything. As hard as it could be to get though it, knowing the real and raw truth of it made it impossible to ignore. The world knew Adrien had been treated badly by his father, but he'd never told the full extent of it outside was was needed for the court case. He didn't like the idea of the whole world knowing just how low he'd been in his teen years. Just how much pain he was in and how vulnerable he became. That was HIS trauma, he didn't owe it to anyone. But he also wanted people to understand just HOW bad his father was as well as people like him. So making a story based on but not a full recount of his own experiences, was a way he could express all that.

"I'll beta read for you when the first draft is done" Luka offered.

"I was just about to ask that, thank you" Adrien replied, downing the last of his coffee.

Damn, he needed that caffeine after last night.

Despite how tired he looked, Luka could notice a slight change in Adrien today. He seemed more at ease, like writing had been a therapeutic thing for him and some of the weight of his past had been lifted off his shoulders. He could already tell this book and any other he decided to make would be good for Adrien. It would help him process, and writing was clearly a passion he didn't know he had until now.

"If this future bestselling book ever gets adapted into a movie, I'll make the soundtrack" Luka chuckled.

"Ha, as if I'd trust Hollywood to get something like this right. If it got made into a movie I'd be the screenwriter so I know they won't fuck it up. And you, I trust you to make the perfect soundtrack" Adrien replied.

"I'm thinking... classical with a hint of horror movie techniques. Make it feel uneasy, like it sounds nice at the start but slowly gets more and more scary as the truth gets revealed"

Luka got it, from only the first 3 draft chapters he already had a solid understanding of what Adrien was going for. That's part of why Adrien loved him so much, he just... understood.

"Fuck I love you, you get it" Adrien smiled.

"Artist to artist wavelength, we were made for each other" Luka replied, taking Adrien's hand over the table and giving it a loving squeeze.

"Enough about me though, how's university?"

Luka rolled his eyes, he'd just had a class that morning.

"I have to write a paper" he complained.

"In an instrument making class?" Adrien asked.

"About the inner workings of a piano or organ, my choice. Like how the keys and strings work, why certain woods are used etcetera... I'll probably pick an organ, even though it's more complex and I'll have to write more, it'll give me good marks. Plus- organs are the vampire music instruments"

Adrien snickered, of course that's why Luka makes things harder for himself. Vampires.

"Fair enough. You know what instrument your making next?" Adrien asked.

"Not sure. It's gotta be a wind instrument, but I haven't picked yet" Luka replied.

Wind huh? So Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, saxophone...

"Ocarina" Adrien suggested.

Luka snapped his fingers at the sudden realisation that was an option, pointing to Adrien approvingly.

"Yes, that! Good thinking... you said that because of Zelda didn't you?"

Adrien snickered, guilty.

"I was replaying ocarina of time the other day, first thing that came to my head" he admitted.

"Fair enough, good game. And a fun instrument to try and master, I'll make you do the first test play" Luka replied.

"Dude I don't know how to play the ocarina"

"Neither do I, we'll learn together"

"Whaaaat? Luka Couffiane doesn't know how to play an instrument? Shock horror!" Adrien teased.

Luka playfully rolled his eyes. What a scandal, the guy who could play most common instruments at a basic level at the very least couldn't play a more obscure one. He just smiled and bought Adrien's hand up to kiss the back of it.

"I'll learn so I can serenade you" he teased.

"Please do" Adrien replied.

Adrien looked down at the hand Luka was holding. His boyfriend gently rubbing his thumb over the back of his hand, brushing over his rings when he did. Adrien couldn't help but think, Luka was touching his very life source and he didn't even know it. In truth while Adrien knew deep down that Luka was the worlds most accepting and loving person ever, he was still scared to tell him the truth. He hadn't really fully come to terms with it himself yet...

But Luka's hands were so warm, his touch so comforting. He felt he could trust those hands holding that ring... if only he had the courage to tell him.

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