Chapter 9 | past feelings

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If there was one thing you quickly learn when you move to Italy, it's the fact there's wine at every meal. Not enough to get shitfaced of course, just a glass or two. But when it was just you and your old friend in the safety of their apartment, you can drink as much as you want. Luka bought out a bottle to serve with the Pasta they'd made, and as they ate and talked watching over the sunset, that bottle got emptied and emptier until they were tipsy and laughing at nothing out on the balcony under the stars.

This was what Adrien missed, the feeling of revelry. He barely got it back in Paris, but when he did it was always with Luka. He just had something about him that made you calmed and carefree. He was easy to talk to, loving and caring. A real gentle soul with a heart of gold that man. And it was always at night when they'd find themselves messing around and enjoying the more mundane parts of life. Out on the deck of the houseboat, waiting for Nathalie to come pick him up. This felt like those moments, the alcohol probably making that bubbly feeling a bit more obvious to him too.

"I missed this, even when we were kids and couldn't drink we'd find ways to laugh like this" Adrien said, taking the last sip of his wine.

"Me too, there's something about having fun specifically at night that feels... different? I dunno man, but I like it" Luka replied.

"It's weird, I hate my teenage years but there's a few key moments that I'd do anything to relive. Moments like this being one of them"

"That's life for you, even in the worst times there's a slither of light you can cling to"

Somehow, things always made sense when Luka said them. Even if they were vague and hard to describe, Adrien always got what he was trying to say.

"I missed you man... more than I realised I think. I won't lie, ever since I saw you at the juice place I've been finding literally any excuse to come see you" Adrien admitted, he was momentarily surprised how honest he was being, until he remembered the empty glass of wine he'd just put down.

"Dude you can come over whenever, same as the houseboat rules. Doors always open for you, and hey if I'm not home yet I'll show up eventually, you can just walk in for all I care" Luka replied.

"Thanks man, I appreciate that. I appreciate you a whole heap"

"I missed you too Adrien, honestly a lot... I don't think I realised how badly I missed you until recently as well..."

It was clear they were on the same wavelength, they'd never wanted to seperate, things just worked out that way. And now they were together again... they felt the need to cling to each other and not let go. Make up for all that lost time and never be apart again. They'd truly missed each other much more than they initially realised. And deep down... they both knew why. Luka just happened to be the one to broach the subject.

"Hey, I don't think I ever told you at the time... but when Marinette dumped me and I was dying inside, you were the one that really kept me going you know? And I felt kind of jaded toward her for a while, but it all went away when we hung out. Like you made me forget the betrayal" Luka explained.

"You seemed like you really needed someone, I wasn't going to just leave you like that, you know? To be honest I was kind of mad at her on your behalf for a while too, you'd been nothing but good to her. And to dump you with no explanation was... mean I guess. I mean we were all kids- but still" Adrien replied.

"Actually... I did end up finding out why-"

Adrien immediately perked up, this years old tea suddenly piping hot again. He'd occasionally wondered what had happened, no one had really talked about it back in school.

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