Chapter 3 | like old times

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Maybe little Quintin B Squintin could sense the Cat Noir in Adrien. Because the shaggy little cat hasn't stopped following him around since the moment he stepped into Luka's apartment. It was nice to see Adrien again after all this time, Luka had missed him. Once Adrien worked up the courage to call the number Luka left on his cup, they'd organised a very casual hang out over at Luka's place just to catch up really. Adrien actually found himself very exited, he'd missed Luka a lot. He was just such a calming presence, a guiding light.

And apparently the cat really liked Adrien too.

"Man he's clingy, never seen him this affectionate to other people before. Usually it's only me" Luka chuckled.

"He can sense the miraculous" Adrien joked, scratching Quinn behind the ears.

"You still have it? I haven't really kept up with all the hero stuff since moving"

Adrien stood up, Quinn protesting with a meow and following him over to the bar stools at the kitchen counter. Adrien took one, Quinn took the other.

"Yeah. I can use the Astro-Cat power up if I ever have to get back to Paris for something. But there's not much trouble out there now you know who is gone" Adrien explained.

"I'm surprised Ladybug let you keep it even after moving away, she seemed pretty adamant about keeping all the miraculous close to the miracle box" Luka replied, leaning over the counter to talk.

"Same honestly. I guess because she wasn't the one to give it to me, it was Fu. She figured it's mine for good? Whatever I'm just glad I can keep it, you know just in case..."

"Where's Plagg by the way?"

"With Nathalie. He cares about her more than he leads on"

Plagg was a character that's for sure. Lazy little cat, god of destruction, eats cheese and nothing else, caused the death of the dinosaurs, cares deeply for his holder and said holders mother figure, would never admit it unless it was laced with sass and sarcasm.

"He's a weird little guy that cat" Luka snickered.

"He is, but hey we love him. He's our weird little pet" Adrien replied.

"I miss Sass sometimes, but it's better that Viperion isn't needed anymore you know? That means no more villains causing a threat"

"Yeah it's sad but for the better"

Hearing the cheap coffee maker finally ping, Luka turned to continue preparing their cups. Even in summer, hot coffee was still consumed at practically every meal here in Italy. Luka and Adrien had definitely picked up that habit, although in lighter doses. They had things to do, they needed their sleep and too much caffeine would definitely screw them over.

"How's your sister by the way?" Adrien asked.

"Good, still dating Rose obviously. They're both in second year of their uni courses" Luka replied.

"Unsurprising she's still with Rose, those two are inseparable"

"Wouldn't be surprised if they got married before I even found a partner"

Luka mixed in the milk and sugar how he liked it, letting Adrien choose his own and mix it in how he liked it. Having to move the cat from the bar stool to his lap, Luka sat bedside Adrien leaning an arm on the counter to talk.

"What about you though? Clearly I'm doing fine but you... after everything that happened are you ok?" Luka asked.

Adrien sighed, tapping the side of his mug trying to figure out a way to explain everything.

"I'm... better. But I mean, your dad being an abusive piece of shit and a supervillain kinda of fucks you up. I was already fucked up before any of this, with my mum and all. But I was healing you know? I was actually starting to feel like life was going back to normal again, like I'd grieved and moved on. Then Gabriel's bitchass had to go and derail everything..." Adrien rambled.

Luka noted how he did even say 'father' or 'dad', but Gabriel instead. Like he was trying to distance himself from his father, he wanted nothing to do with him anymore. Fair enough though...

"Him being hawkmoth was bad obviously, but I already knew he was abusive. So the villain part didn't hurt as much as the fact he's the one that inadvertently caused my mums death and Nathalie's sickness by letting them use the broke miraculous. He KNEW it was hurting them, and yet he didn't stop them using it. He didn't care, he just wanted his means that and end" Adrien explained.

Ever since the reveal of hawkmoth, everyone involved with the ongoing battle found out the truth. The world knew that Gabriel was hawkmoth, but only the heroes and Agreste-Ghram De Vanilly family knew of the peacock sickness part. Despite knowing that detail, no one outside Adrien and his family knew why the peacock was used in the first place. So to Luka, that detail was still a mystery. But thinking of it in the way Adrien was, as his father basically letting his mother die... that reframed the situation to him.

"Fuck dude... you're right, I didn't even realise the implications there. That's gotta be negligent man slaughter at the very least" Luka muttered.

"At the LEAST. At worst it's murder. AND attempted murder for letting Nathalie get so sick. Which... honestly I wouldn't put it past him. Regardless of his motive he still let it happen, obviously I'm never forgiving him for the way he treated me, the city and letting my mothers get so hurt" Adrien replied.

"That's fair enough. You don't have to even face him anymore, he doesn't deserve your forgiveness or even your presence in his life. He's rotting for what he did, to you, your family and the whole city. It's a heavy burden to carry, all that trauma. But know you don't owe that shithead anything"

Somehow Luka always knew what to say. Even if it was in some colourful language, it was still exactly what Adrien needed to hear. Sometimes he just needed to be reminded that even if Gabriel was legally his father, it meant nothing if he couldn't act like one. He lost his father the day his mother got sick, he just didn't realise it at the time. How could he? He was 13.

"This is why I missed you, you always know exactly what I need to hear" Adrien cracked a smile.

"It's my- what did Nino call it that one time?guitar voodoo" Luka replied.

"He's right though! The whole speaking through your guitar chords is total woo-woo but somehow accurate? How do you even do that?"

Luka shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee watching the nostalgic smile only grow across Adrien's lips the more they talked about the good parts of life.

"Exactly what he said, guitar voodoo" Luka joked.

"You should teach me piano witchcraft. Or are you specialised in guitar voodoo?" Adrien joked hack.

"I'm sure I can figure something out"

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