Chapter 2 | Caio, Adrien

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It was a long shift today, but Luka didn't mind because he had his favourite co-worker with him today. They both liked the same things so they talked for hours as they made drinks, it was never a dull shift with them. Although it was hot today, which made the shift a little harder to get through, thank gods it was was almost the end of his shift right now, thinking about getting Quinn some fish from the fish stall just down the hall for a treat as he was breaking some of the ice up in the freezer. From the corner of his eye, he saw someone walk up to the counter.

"Un momento" he called out over he chatter of the markets.
*one moment

He pulled the lid back over the freezer, tossing the scoop in its holder and wiped his hands down. Over at the counter he pulled up the order screen to tap in the order.

"benvenuto, posso prendere il tuo ordine?" He said his usual welcome.
*welcome, may I take your order?


He looked up, confused for a moment how this person knew his name. He never wore his name tag, he didn't really like strangers knowing his name. But to his shock, he was met with a very familiar yet changed face.

It was Adrien!

"No way- Adrien?" He said.

"What are you- what are you doing working in Italy?!" Adrien laughed.

"I'm here for university" Luka smiled.

Adrien looked familiar still. But definitely more grown up. Seems like they'd both had the idea to grow out their hair, although Adrien's was only shoulder length while Luka's was much longer and usually tied back, still blue, although only the ends nowadays. Adrien having stopped with the model hair product had let his hair return it it's natural waves, which suited him a lot. He was a bit taller, although still shorter than Luka. He looked tired, baggy eyes but still the same bright green Luka remembered. He wore just a green hoodie and jeans, carrying a basket of various ingredients with him.

"Oh that's right, you got a scholarship huh?" Adrien said.

"Yeah for instrument making, I'm in my second year now" Luka replied.

"So that's why your arms are ripped now, all that banging metals into trumpet shapes"

Adrien gestured to Luka's exposed arms, a snake tattoo looping around the right one. He wore a tank top under his work apron, the markets get hot under the roofing with only fans to combat the heat from all the machines running to keep the food fresh.

"You won't believe how much of a work out that is" Luka laughed.

"I can imagine. The long hair suits you by the way" Adrien smiled.

"Thanks, you too. And your natural wave is back, I missed it"

"My hair was absolutely fried from all the products they made me put in it. Never again"

It was an unexpected but pleasant surprise to see Adrien again, he seemed happier, which was amazing to see. Although the baggy eyes and exhausted expression through his smile told Luka he was still reeling from everything that happened, which was to be expected. They were only 21 and 22 now, Adrien was 17 and Luka 18 when the whole hawkmoth thing went down. To think that hawkmoth first showed up when they were 14 and 15... it took them 3 years of fighting to stop him, only to find out it was Gabriel all along...

"You here for holidays or..?" Luka asked.

"Live here now. We were over in Rome for a bit, but there's a clinic here that has better treatment for Nathalie so we moved" Adrien replied.

So he moved to Italy? What were the chances they ended up in the same place. Although Luka was still a bit curious why Adrien never told anyone where he went...

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