Chapter 5 | parallel

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A/n: if you couldn't already tell from my other works, I really like to draw parallels between famous stories and the characters I write, so expect that a lot in this book lol.

Before he left his class for the day, he really needed to clean up. Luka was a mess at the moment, having spent the past few hours literally forging metal to make this carnyx for his course. It was hard work, around hot flames with big old protective gloves and safety goggles on. He was practically sweating his ass off and covered in brass polish from shining up the mouth if the horn. Luckily, the campus knew that the students working in the workshops for various courses would be a tight mess once they were done so there were showers available just next door.

It's no secret France was a bit well... messy. So Luka barely touched public bathrooms while he lived there. Italy was a bit better, especially in the high end costal university he'd been accepted into so he had no problems cleaning up there. Compared to France, Italy was almost spotless- in most places. Some cities needed some work, but that was the good thing about being near the coast. It was beautifully well kept aside from the abundance of sand that usually blew in off the beach. But sand was to be expected for a costal area.

Once all that brass polish and sweat was off, he could finally leave for the day. He actually had plans today, involving Adrien of course. The blonde in question was waiting on a bench outside campus when Luka approached, his head stuck in a book.

"Caio Caio ragazzo carino" Luka spoke up, catching Adrien's attention.
*hello hello, pretty boy

"ciao a te stesso, signore" Adrien replied.
*hello yourself, mister

"Sorry about the wait, got covered in brass polish"

"Figured you'd be a mess after all that"

Adrien closed his book, stuffing it in his bag as he got up. Their plan today was thrifting, Adrien hadn't gotten the chance to in this town yet. Luka however, knew all the good spots. Adrien had grown to quite like thrifting since leaving the model life behind, he never wanted to see a damn designer piece again. Cute handmade secondhand stuff someone's Nona probably made for them? Now that he liked.

"There's a cafe on the way, let's get drinks while we're at it" Luka said.

"Good idea, I need a coffee. I'm tired" Adrien replied.

"In this heat?"

"ICED coffee, obviously"

They headed off, Adrien keeping close to Luka the whole way. He still didn't know where the hell he was going half the time, relatively new to the area and all. They stopped for drinks, and then continued down the street toward the beach. There was a shopping strip right across from the beach, along it were a few thrift stores. Some local charity shops and some more specialised vintage stores. Those tended to be a bit more expensive but they always had very interesting things, from antique furniture to handmade clothes from the 50s and 60s. There was always something to be found there. That's where Luka found his genuine punk leather jacket full of band patches from the 80s and 90s. Some old retired punk must have outgrown it, and it ended up in Luka's closet as soon as he saw it on the clothing rack for $50.

"This place can be a bit pricy but they always have good stuff, literally never leave empty handed" Luka explained, leading Adrien into the store just across the from the crosswalk to the beach.

"I can see why" Adrien replied, looking around at the way the store was laid out.

Mannequins in 70s flare pants, glass cases full of antique jewellery, a whole section of vinyls and CDs. It was like stepping into a time machine back to the 20th century.

"Looking for anything in particular?" Luka asked.

"Not really, although I need more colour. Most of my wardrobe is black and white apparently, and green of course. But I really should branch out" Adrien replied.

"As long as it's not obnoxious 80s work out clothes neon, you'll suit any colour"

"Oh gods- not the 80s work out neon" Adrien snickered.

And so the hunt was on, flicking through the clothing racks and checking the back of the shelves for anything hidden amongst the treasures. Luka as usual kept and eye out for any old instruments he could fix up and sell, but it seemed there weren't any lying around the shop today. He did find some old school doc martins, in pretty good condition too. Hopefully he'd fit into them...

He sat on one of the old chairs for sale so he could kick off his shoes and try on the boots, Adrien standing at the shelf next to him looking through a big rack of old movie posters. The good kind too, printed onto thin wood to withstand the elements when they'd been used to advertise a movies release.

Lots of horror movies, a few of the classic old Hollywood ones too. But it was one in particular that caught his attention when he saw the Italian version of the slogan scrawled over the wood.

'come hanno fatto a fare un film su Lolita?'

How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?

How indeed. The first attempt in the 60s was known for being very unfaithful to the book. Partly because of strict cinema laws of the time, partly because the director wasn't exactly the best person. The 90s version, although more faithful had its flaws too. But it was the version Adrien preferred. He couldn't lie though, the poster art from the 60s was gorgeous.

"What'd you find there?" Luka asked.

Adrien pulled the poster out, holding it up for Luka to see as he laced the boots up.

"Oh wow, that's in good condition too" he said.

"The 90s version is better- actually the book is better than both of them of course. But the original posters are just so damn good" Adrien replied.

"Facts. The book is always better, especially for something as complex as Lolita"

Adrien admittedly liked the controversial story. Because in truth, he saw himself in the titular 'Lolita' - Delores. She was abused and isolated by a father figure, the media took her image and completely twisted it, all while she was still a child. The story was considered a classic for a reason, it had a massive cultural impact at the time. It sparked conversations about the abusive of children at the hands of those closest to them, warned those that abusers are good liars and unreliable narrators who twist things to fit their perspective.

Adrien couldn't help but feel like a Lolita sometimes. A child starlet that the world only ever saw through heart shaped sunglasses, while the person closest to him- his own father, was mentally torturing him behind closed doors. He was extremely lucky for things to have not gotten as bad as the character in the book had it, but it was pretty damn close.

He found it easier to understand what happened to him as a kid, when he was seeing it happen on a screen or page, when he had no preconceived notions or ties to the characters he'd only just met. For years he struggled with the 'but he's still my father' mentality, an almost Stockholm syndrome like way of thinking. But reading or watching about the things he went through, being able to identify them on fictional characters, relate to them... it really put things into perspective. Just like that famous line said by the titular character herself, he was a daisy fresh boy. And look what his father had done to him, that dirty old man.

Adrien looked down at the poster, the eyes behind the heart shaped sunglasses looking back at him. Two victims, misconstrued by the media, staring at each other.


He snapped out of his daze, finding Luka back in his normal shoes with the boots, that luckily fit him, in hand.

"Getting it?" He asked.

"Yeah... I think I will" Adrien replied.

"I'm getting these. Next shop is a bit further up the street, let's get this stuff and head there"

They went up to the counter to pay, Luka let Adrien go first. As he watched Adrien hand the poster over to have the barcode scanned, he caught the way he looked down at that poster. There was a hint of sadness, a familiarity too in a way. It made Luka feel bittersweet. Glad Adrien could finally understand what he'd gone though and process it, sad that he found he could relate to one of the most infamous abuse victims of fiction because of it.

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