Chapter 6 | peace and quiet

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Adrien had long since accepted he'd never have a life of complete and utter privacy. Even if he weren't an ex model, he was the son of a famous designer and famous actress, so his name would be known regardless. But being shoved into modelling made him a household name. People all over the world knew who he was, and as much as he hated it, he'd come to accept that. Since the downfall of the Gabriel brand and moving away from Paris, he had been given a bit more privacy than he once had. Luckily most people understood that he needed space after such a massive trauma. But there were still people who were fans of him, still celebrity gossip pages all over the internet. He still has fanpages, people still made fan edits and fanart of him.

After the trial of his father had ended, he deleted practically everything off social media to do with Gabriel. The only pictures that remained up were some photos with friends and family members, and a few travel pictures of scenery he'd taken around the world. He was barely ever on social media anymore, now he didn't have any contracts or brand deals. He'd post maybe once or twice a year, usually on his mothers birthday to wish her well in whatever form of afterlife she was in. Occasionally if he saw a cool work of street art, or went somewhere pretty he'd post a picture. But he'd largely dropped off the face of the internet nowadays.

So whenever he did make an appearance somewhere on the internet, people freaked out.

Which is why he woke up to #AdrienAgreste trending. Someone had spotted him out shopping with Luka, and the picture was all over the internet. He sighed in frustration when he saw it, yet again he couldn't hide from celebrity gossip. Luka was relatively known, since he was the son of Jagged Stone, but his fan base wasn't nearly as big as Adrien's. Kitty section was much more locally known rather than worldwide. And since they'd gone on break for all the members to get through university, there hadn't really been a fandom for them or anything.

People mainly knew Luka for being Jagged Stone's son, and being friends with Adrien. Which is why the gossip article managed to identify him as being the one out with Adrien that day.

Adrien simply texted Luka a link to the article, and the caption "sorry."

But Luka was a kind soul, he knew being friends with a famous ex model would come with some attention, plus he was the son of a rock star. So his response was just "dw, I expected attention the moment it got out why my dad is."

At least he wasn't mad or anything...

Out of morbid curiosity, Adrien tapped on the link to the tabloid to read what they had to say. It'd been a while since his name was in the news, so he was admittedly a but curious.

Adrien Agreste spotted in Italy with son of Jagged Stone.

Amusingly contested with Agreste in all pale and Couffiane in all black, the two high school friend were spotted shopping on costal Italy's vintage and antique famous shopping strip. The world first knew the two were friends back in 2018 when Agreste helped out local Parisian band 'Kitty Section', currently on hiatus so their members can finish university. The founders of the band being the twin children of rock musician Jagged Stone.

The two hadn't been seen together since their high school days though, many thinking after Agreste's departure from Paris they'd have lost contact. But last week the ex model was spotted out shopping in Italy with guitarist Luka Couffiane, who according to a post by Stone last January had received a scholarship to an elite arts university in costal Italy.

"Super proud of my boy" said Stone "dudes going to make the coolest instruments known to man I just know it."

Fans are glad to know Agreste still has contact with his childhood friends despite the departure from Paris and the modelling industry as a whole, and look forward to any music he may help the band with in the future. For now, they wish the ex model well after the historic fall of the Gabriel name and send good luck to Couffiane on his scholarship ventures.

Adrien was slightly relived reading all that, thanking the gods it wasn't anything too inactive or speculative. Although he would definitely much rather people didn't take pictures of him while he was trying to just live his life. This ordeal was mostly harmless, and his fans clearly were just glad he had friends after all that happened.

Phone buzzing, he saw another message notification pop up from Luka. Tapping on it, he read it over.

Luka: dude your fans are hilarious [1 Attachment]

Curious, he followed the link to a post on a fan page about them being spotted shopping.

@adrienstolemybraincells: these spot the difference games are getting harder and harder

Adrien admittedly snickered, expecting a million posts like this with the way he and Luka tended to dress in contrasting colours

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Adrien admittedly snickered, expecting a million posts like this with the way he and Luka tended to dress in contrasting colours. He went back to his messages to reply to Luka

Adrien: you're known as my 'goth friend' so expect a million of these types of memes

Luka: they're hilarious I welcome them.

Adrien: apologies in advance for the influx of followers you'll probably get from this, your notifications are going to blow up

Luka: they already did. Woke up like a few thousand people in my followers and a ton of people only just know finding out who I am.

Luka: and a ton of thirst comments lol

Adrien: only the OGs from back in my model days would remember you. The newer fans probably had no idea we knew each other.

Adrien: not surprised about those comments, people love emo looking goth type boys.

Luka: they'll sure as hell love me then.

Adrien was honestly amazed that he still got fans to this day, even after he'd largely stepped away from the spotlight. That was just the nature of having famous parents and a very famous criminal case tied to your name apparently. Newer fans who'd come after he'd stepped away from the spotlight would be completely new to the fact he went to school with one of Jagged Stones kids, and the one he was still close with wasn't even the one he went to school with.

Juleka was kind of in the same position as Luka, as was their mother. Only really known for their relations to Jagged, and now the internet had remembered they knew Adrien, being within Adrien's circle. He sometimes wondered what that was like, being not quite famous but known. Was it better than the fame he had? More private? It certainly seemed that way. He wished he could have a taste of that.

But at least, at the very least, Luka wasn't upset over being blasted onto the internet just for being friends with Adrien. As much as Adrien wished he could just live his life in private, he knew it'd never fully happen. So he was glad that at least Luka was understanding about it.

He was understanding about everything... maybe he was the only other person he could tell...

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