chapter 1 - high school friends last.

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The first day of a new place is always boring. But you enjoy the parts of exploring I think that's what most people like, exploring. Then it gets boring looking at it over and over again to the point where you forget the happiest and adventureness of it.

"Hey, is this seat taken?" A girl with a slightly raspy voice and sliver hair. You nodded and smiled, she sat down putting her bag under the table. She watched you look at your camera. "I'm Billie" she said. You turned your head quickly and smiled awkwardly "I'm YN" I said quietly "YN?" She repeated back unsure if heard it right due the quietness of your voice.

The teacher started one of hundreds of boring lessions and from that you and Billie had gotten closer. She wrote back and fourth. After a bit she came up to you while at the lockers "can I get your number? I really enjoy speaking to you and I wanna be able to speak out of school if your okay with that" she smiled her silver hair slightly less dyed with it showing some blonde. Billie always had a way of her were she could get anything out of me and I would let her.

You didn't reply you unlocked your phone and clicked on the phone app and you showed her your number. "Thanks, oh also I wrote something and I was wondering if you wanted to read it some time? It's like lyrics for something" she has a faded smile "yeah...sure do you want to text them or?" You looked at her necklace and then her nose to avoid eye contact.

'hey it's Billie :))' she messaged soon after school. 'hey!' you replied back and the conversion was same with most conversions 'it's called Ocean eyes what do you think YNN?' She had so many nicknames for you. You normally hated nicknames but with her it seemed to be different. She had talent and was sweet while had a funny sense of humor. 'i think it's beautiful it has meaning while still sounding very good :))' your conversions never were dry 'maybe some time you could shoot for me' I always wanted to do shoots with her and I did get to for posters or album covers. We more spoke than took photos

The messages were cute and fun. You both messaged everyday. Even the last day of school. But something happened. While moving house to a more known place your phone broke. The sim card gone with it. You had forgotten about some people. You never truly forgotten Billie but it was hard to say you had been friends with a celebrity without some hassle and you figured she had long forgotten about you.

She's always been cute. I would never admit that I liked her because I don't I just like her. I think

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now