Chapter 19 - Promise

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She smiled, i could tell she didn't mean the smile she wasn't sure what else to do. "Can I hug you?" I said unsure if she felt safe. "Yeah okay" She leaned into me and I hug her tightly, I started to cry. She didn't say anything she Just pattted my back. "Everything okay in there?" Finneas said clearly hearing crying, unsure if it was me or billie. "It's fine" Billie muffled, finneas just barely heard it. "I'm sorry" I mumbled pulling away from her "Hey, it's okay!" She grabbed my face and pulled me closer to her face before wipping my tears. 

I chuckled. "I'm not sure why i feel like this?" I accidently said out loud. She looked at me confused but before she could say anything Finneas came in and interrupted "Alright love birds pack it up" He patted my back. We left and she followed me to the car "Can i take you somewhere?" I asked getting into the driver's seat. "Yeah of course!" She smiled her black and red roots in her face, i moved it out of her face seeing bright red on her face "It's quit a drive" She nodded and i started to drive.

I was nervous that she wouldn't know the place were going to. After hours it got dark and she faded into a sleep. We used to go here all the time when we were younger. it was the skatepark, She couldn't skate and i could and i really enjoyed it she watched and enjoyed it. I used to always laugh when she fell over and i couldn't help but laugh everytime. I remembered I still had that skateboard it never really broke i just decided to get a new one. i put the old one in the back of the car.  

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now