Chapter 18 - Passing out

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I woke up on my couch which was weird. With my blurry vision i could see Billie sitting down on her phone, While Finneas was stood up talking on the phone. I tried to move my arms but instead i moved my body and fell off the couch. That caught the attention of Billie and Finneas, Billie got off her phone and Finneas quickly ended the call. "What happened i looked away for a second?" Finneas said helping me up "I don't know i wasn't looking" She helped lift me up as well. I thanked them quietly. They both didn't reply.

Billie didn't look at my face "Sit back down" Finneas said. He didn't sound like his cheery self "Why were you being so aggressive towards Billie?" Finneas said sitting infront of me "Finneas fuck sake just leave it" Billie said hitting his arm "No you were stood there crying i'm not going to ignore that, just go in the kitchen okay?" He said gently. She just walked to the kitchen leaving me and Finneas. "What did you say to her man?" He said getting slightly closer to my face "I...don't remember" He looked like he didn't believe me but i really didn't remember. 

"trust me i really don't. I can i just apologise to her i promise whatever i said i didn't mean, I say stupid shit when i'm drunk i promise" He sighed "Alright" I stood up and groaned at properly standing up. I walked to the kitchen, Finneas didn't come with me. "Billie?" She turned around and looked at the floor "I promise you i didn't mean what i said when i was drunk i don't remember what i done but please promise me i'm really sorry" She looked up a bit "It doesn't matter" I looked at her and i really did feel bad but i can't tell if she did trust me.

"I'll make it up to you i promise"  

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now