chapter 8 - are you guys dating?

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I woke up to someone shaking me "YN?" A soft voice, I knew it was Billie. I slightly turned my body but she had straddled my legs. She must of just woken up. Her messy blonde hair, she had such a pretty face. "Hmm..?" I mumbled my eyes going in and out like I was passing out. "It's too early sweetheart" I mumbled. That name wasn't something I really ever said I don't know why I had said it if I'm being honest.

I just barely heard Billie say "Sweetheart...? What" she shock me again. This time I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her down "just half a hour" she shocked me more "YN!" She was going to start to yell until Finneas came in and yelled "Wakey Wakey!" He shouted I jumped my body up "wha-?" I said turning to him "get some clothes on man" He turned around. "You got a shower?" I asked quietly "yeah there" she pointed "thank you" I smiled and grabbed clothes and towel before going in.

After my shower I realized I left my T-Shirt. I walked out "Billie?" I said she looked her head up "where's your shirt?" She looked up from her phone giving me a confused look "I left it over there" i turned my head in the direction of the t-shirt and she stood up from the bed and walked over to the t-shirt, throwing it over to me "Thank you!" i said smiling "No problem" she chuckled with her blonde hair moving around "You ready to head?" She asked shaking herself off i nodded and walked out the room with Billie behind, we had stopped at her first place of tour it was only 7:40PM and her performance is at 8:00PM.

"follow me and i'll show you everything!" She laughed grabbing my hand and taking around, she showed me the place while Finneas tried to catch up but soon gave up. We made it to a small room, it was dark and only us two left. I felt my face heat up i felt like i wanted to just kiss her right there right now. She then held both of my hands "YN?" She whispered, still holding on two both of my hands. "Yeah?" I whispered back, feeling even hotter than before "Do you remember the night you took me home after prom?" She said ducking her head into my chest laughing quietly "I think so" I remembered, I held her like this and kissed her before running off.

"You walked me home in the cold, gave me your jacket and then looked at me and kissed me?" she then wrapped her hands around me "Yeah, i'm sorry for running off like that i didn't-" I was cut off by her getting on her tiptoes and kissing me. she then moved her arms to my neck kissing me more. She pulled away "Umm...."

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now