Chapter 17 - She isn't my fucking girlfriend

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"YN!" I heard her awakwardly yell with her hoodie up. I ignored her and the women next to me got up "You never told me you had a girlfriend, dick" The girl said walking away "That's not my fucking girlfriend!" I yelled at the girl "I wouldn't ever fucking want to date her" Even with her hood on i could very clearly tell she was upset. She harshly grabbed me by the arm and took me outside "Get the fuck off of me" I yelled that clearly scared her because she jumped at me yelling. "What is your issue?"

She yelled back at me "You! your my fucking issue, We had fucking sex we aren't supposed to do that were fucking friends" She didn't reply she just dragged me back to the van and pushed me down on the bed "What the fuck man" I said, i had just hit my head on the back off of wall "Why are you so mad we had sex, everybody does it. It's a fucking one night stand type shit we aren't going to do it again" I looked at her, i never got angry unless i was drunk which is why i don't like drinking.

"What the fuck! i wanna go fuck home Billie take me fucking home now!" I yelled, i clearly scared her which made me sit back down i felt really bad i didn't like scaring people, my height seems to scare people as it is but i really am scaring her by yelling. Before Billie could respond, i felt my head getting heavy and my eyes closing. Finneas had walked in by then and saw me out on the floor and Billie with tears in her face. 

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now