chapter 14 - one kiss as friends right?

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"To make it up to you let's both get drunk this time?" She asked slightly hitting my shoulder "after the show of course" she said hopping out and into the the place we're her last tour was going to take place. Well last for a while "yeah!" I said coughing as she started getting ready while people were coming in I sat down and waited until after the concert. She came running to me after it and we hopped back into the van. She this time was the first to start drinking I joined after her and we got loud.

We started getting closer to each other. I decided to lay down on the bed. She looked down on me "your so pretty you know that?" I said, she laid down next to me looking at the roof with me "Really?" She turned her head, the tension was really hard to ignore, you couldn't hear anyone, we were driving but it felt like we were in a house. I nodded slowly, detailing every part of her face. A few seconds of silence of us just looking at each other. I leaned closer to her grabbing her cheek and kissed her.

She was quick to kiss back. She started touching me and was to the point we're she got on top of me and started moving herself on me. She pulled out away taking her shirt off and yanking at mines. "YN..." She whispered. I quickly took off my T-shirt and gently put it next to hers before kissing her again. The kiss getting deeper and deeper. I took off her trousers slowly, dumping it on the floor and taking my trousers off and with the help of Billie also taking my shoes off and gently pushing her on the bed......

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now