chapter 13 - baby

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She sat down next to me very close to me "Hello" I said my face red. I looked at her eyes seeing she had a clear lust in her eyes but I didn't say anything to it. "I have a motorcycle at my house. Maybe after your tour we could go on it" I said standing up and putting my shoes on slowly looking at the floor and listening to Billie "Yeah!!! I would love that!!" She said excitedly "I fucking love motorcycles man!" She stood up and I stood back up and walked behind her as we had stopped at a place for breakfast "Im paying this time"

I said looking at her "NUH UH" she said slightly nudging me "please!" I looked at her and she looked back she had blush on her face "I've been waiting years to see you and hang out with you and I want to spend all of the money I can on you" I looked at her as we were walking and I finally realized how much I meant to her. She meant a lot to me it's just I didn't think she really even remembered me when we first saw each other again. "I want to make it up to you"

She smiled and we walked into the little shop and I sat down at a table with her "vegan pancakes!" She said smiling while I was looking at what I wanted and I finally found what I wanted. "I kept everything we had- sorry is that weird?" I said realizing it would sound weird "no I done the same I even have some of our old texts" she said laughing "same!" I chuckled back. We ordered and ate talking and laughing about what we were like in the past with our cringy vines and musicallys we had together.

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now