Chapter 5 - Hungover

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The next morning, I woke up to a heavy feeling on my body  and to a horrible headache. I moved my head to see what was causing the pressure on my torso. It was Billie she slightly wrapped herself on me the blanket near falling off the couch. Some drinks had been spilled on the floor but I didn't mind that much it wasnt red wine so it's fine. She made a like "hmmp" noise turning a bit. I wasn't sure what to do this wasn't something I had done before. I've also never been this close with anyone.

I tried to move to grab my phone to see what time it was. The slight movement must of woken her up because moments later she had woken up. "Hmm...? YN" She moves slightly. While moving she nearly fell off the couch but I grabbed her "oh shit" she laughed. "Wait what time is it?" She said her smile faded quickly "10:03AM" I said. She ran to grab her stuff "sorry I have to go for a interview at half 11" I sat up "it's no problem I'll see you again some time?" I said helping her grab her stuff "of course!"

"See you later YNN" she yelled opening the door "bye bye Pirate!" I yelled back. Cleaning up the place and the wine. I couldn't remember what happened but it was probably amazing. I decided to wait a few hours and before messaging her to not annoy her. She called while I was chilling, I quickly answered "Hey!" I said "hey, i was wondering if you wanted to join me on a tour bus? If so then I can pick you up in ten" She said, i could hear her driving or someone driving. "Yeah sure i'll start packing" I said she said "See you in ten" before ending the call

I packed my stuff and brought my polaroid camera instead. I waited outside for her.

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now