chapter 9 - Tour

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I didn't know what to do "I should get going the concert is about to start" she said awkwardly basically running off. I stood debating on if I should leave the building or go to the room she told me to do. I decided to go to the room with the couch. I sat there watching her through the curtain. Her pretty face, her bright blue eyes, perfect body. Everything about her. She was amazing, I should of said something instead of running away, I made it awkward, every once she would look at me, I would look down at the floor.

She began talking about how she enjoyed her last few weeks with someone (most likely me) She stared back at me more than ever. "It's even more awkward because he's actually backstage right now staring" she said smiling at me, it made me forget how awkward I was before the performance. I smiled not even realizing it. After the concert she ran to me "so what did you think?" She smiled "the concert was so fun!" I said, we walked back to the tour bus not speaking about the kiss. We sat back on the bed and ordered food.

"My favourite song has got to be NDA" I said eating the pizza with her "Finneas just messaged" Billie said grabbing her phone reading it "looks like we're on our own, Finneas is going to be home and drive down in a few days" i nodded and smiled. After a bit we decided to call it a night, sleeping naked next to her now felt weird but good weird. "You okay?" I felt hands around my waist "yeah sorry zoned out" I laughed awkwardly, she let go and smiled cutely, her eyes giving you an look you couldn't forget ever.

I took off my shirt and trousers and hopped into bed "wanna go to an restaurant tomorrow?" She asked, this time she also stripped down, it was boiling to be fair. She was only in bra and pants. I didn't feel uncomfortable if anything I felt more comfortable. I laid down in the bed Billie moving around as well. I felt her wrap herself around me. I wanted to tell her I liked the kiss and I liked everything about her but I was too scared. Lots of stuff was circling in my head I kept thinking about her

high school friends - Billie Eilish X male readerWhere stories live. Discover now