Chapter 5

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Izuku POV
I wake up, and with caution, open the door, hoping, no, praying there wasn't a swarm of bees trying to sting me, I open It, and saw the bees around the wood structure I made for them.

(Just one Bee hive)

(Just one Bee hive)

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Izuku: Sigh

I sigh of relief seeing the happy bees flying around their hive, but, staring at insects wasn't the main purpose today, it was getting to know where a Black Forest is and getting new equipment. But after that I saw where sun rose in the morning so I made a plus symbol in the ground and determined my house was in the East of the island, if I'm in an island, so, with that done I head out.

23 Minutes Later

I finally found a different sight from the same trees and animals. I finally found something that could be the Black Forest the Hugin was talking about.

Izuku: Hmmm, different trees, different ground and its definitely a forest. I think I just reached it, the Black Forest.

I continue walking hoping to find something new that could maybe be useful to me, but nothing, so, as I was about to head back home, as it was pretty late, I hear a distant sound getting closer

thud Thud THUD

Suddenly, without even a chance to look back I get pushed to the ground. I fliped back to see what monster was standing above me and see what attacked me, it had a scale like face, with fur in the rest of the body. As its jaw was opening up, I close my eyes, expecting the worse, only to feel like a big tongue was licking my face repetitly, making my face a mess of saliva. I open my eyes once again only to see the same creature panting.

I smile, still being afraid mind you, but seeing its playfulness made me smile

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I smile, still being afraid mind you, but seeing its playfulness made me smile.

???: Oh it seems he likes you.

Izuku: Huh?

I expressed confused at the new voice

Haldor: Radjdadaj, nice to meet you, my name is Haldor and the lox that was following you is Halstein, he is a bit playful with new folks

Izuku The VikingWhere stories live. Discover now