Chapter 6

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Six months Later
Izuku POV

I was going back to my house with my wooden cart, that I made with the help of some bronze nails and wood, full with bronze and tin ore ready to be refined at my smelters, I already had some charcoal prepared by my kiln furnace in which I put my spare wood in. While turning back I killed some greydwarfs, which were a bigger, meaner version of the greylings and had distinctive blue glowing eyes.

They were pretty annoying because they like to throw rocks at you before advancing to you

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They were pretty annoying because they like to throw rocks at you before advancing to you. But I got through it all and keep advancing, until I saw something that made my heart skip a beat and I hid behind a tree. What was before me was a giant, blue, almost naked man, that the only thing that covered him seemed to be body hair, it was also holding a cut down log with him to be, supposedly use as a club, while I would love to avoid him, with the cart it would be impossible as the surrounding area was to steep.

 What was before me was a giant, blue, almost naked man, that the only thing that covered him seemed to be body hair, it was also holding a cut down log with him to be, supposedly use as a club, while I would love to avoid him, with the cart it wo...

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So, while the troll was picking up flowers? I ready up my finewood bow, with a bronze headed arrow loaded in and the string fully pulled back, I release my two holding fingers and


Troll: Aarrgg!!! Grrr

The troll slowly turned towards me, my shot had only hit the shoulder, atleast It was the shoulder that was holding the weapon, but it would have been preferable to hit him in the back of the head or neck. The troll was now aproaching, so I put my bow back and get out my bronze Atgeir, which shinned with my bronze armour, I also had my buckler bronze shield on my back, ready to be used.

Troll: Aarrgg!!!The troll screamed while moving his tree-like club down to the ground, I quickly side step, dodging the blow and advancing foward and thrusting with my Atgeir, penetrating his upper thigh, getting a pain filled response from the tr...

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Troll: Aarrgg!!!
The troll screamed while moving his tree-like club down to the ground, I quickly side step, dodging the blow and advancing foward and thrusting with my Atgeir, penetrating his upper thigh, getting a pain filled response from the troll, after that he begins to prepare for a swiped attack, so I pull out my shield to block, while the shield was fine I wasn't as I was sent to a nearby tree, hitting it with my back, I felt a distinctive crack sound as soon as I hit it, now that I gained some distance between the troll and me, I start drawing my bow and shot an arrow at the limping troll, hitting the second leg the troll falls to the ground in pain, he drops his club and I took the oportunity, and with my bronze axe I split his head in half.

Izuku: Huff puff my back arg

I start skining the troll as It had a very durable hide that could be used for what I planned to be shirt and pants that will go below my armour, and a cape for the, being honest, the cool factor. So, after I skin the ginormous body, I load it up into my cart and start heading home to smelt some ore while I started making the armour.

Back at home

Izuku: Well that should work out as a cape.

So, after making the cape I go out to put the ore to smelt and at least get some ingots out and ready without the impurities

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So, after making the cape I go out to put the ore to smelt and at least get some ingots out and ready without the impurities. After that I get ready to sleep as it was already very late with all the smelting and crafting.

Izuku The VikingWhere stories live. Discover now