Chapter 2

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And then Izuku saw It, a big "bird thing" eating the garbage in a trash can.

The bird isnt flying and is grabing the trash can.

Izuku: Gasp

Bird?: Screech

Now the bird knows that Izuku is there and quickly flies in Izuku's direction


He screams as he tries to run away but gets picked up by the bird's claws and starts rising

Izuku: G-get off me!

Izuku cries while kicking the air

But before he could even prosces what's going on, a strange portal appears.

But before he could even prosces what's going on, a strange portal appears

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Izuku: Wait what's that? no no NO NO!!

He says just before entering the strange portal and then he is struck by surprise and a bit of fear, he is flying over a forest while there is heavy rain, after that the bird passes through some trees and branches to leave Izuku in a small, circular, stone altar surrounded by tall rocks with drawings on them

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Izuku: W-what is this? W-where I am?

???: Well met

Izuku: AAAHHH!!! W-w-who said t-that?!

???: Human, here

Izuku: Y-y-you a-are a t-talking crow

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Izuku: Y-y-you a-are a t-talking crow

Hugin: Indeed, but my name is Hugin, It seems you are new to this viking afterlife, I will be your guide and show you how to escape

Izuku:... So... H-how do I go back?

Hugin: Its pretty simple, look at the stones behind you

Izuku looks back at the set of 6 tall stones

Izuku The VikingWhere stories live. Discover now