Chapter 10: Bonemass

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1 And a Half Years Later
Izuku POV

Aaand the last stone brick is placed on its place, I climb down my wooden stairs that I put as temporary scafolding for building the structure, also I decided to outfit my base with some stone walls and defences, as I plan to stay long term here while I kill the beasts and the greydwarfs and even trolls were already breaking down my weak wooden walls made from cut logs, the gates were made with wood reinforced with iron bars I casted with extra iron that was left.

And now with this extra security and everything that I had in my list, I cant keep going around the bush and need to finally go defeat the Bonemass, I had already found a Vegvisir with pointed me to the location, tough It seemed like I need sail to get there, as there was only coast when I tried to go there, so I needed to sail, only problem, I dont think my Karve will serve me good along this jourey, because, by the looks of it, the swamp I need to go to is very far away, so I decide on making a bigger, faster, better boat, out of iron nails, I tried using fine wood again, but It didn't bend the way I wanted to and was to weak to my opinion, so I went into the swamp and cut some swamp trees, I brough the cut logs that were turned into planks back home and used them for the construction of the boat, I had to reuse the old sails of the Karve, but it was a sacrifice Im willing to make.

And now with this extra security and everything that I had in my list, I cant keep going around the bush and need to finally go defeat the Bonemass, I had already found a Vegvisir with pointed me to the location, tough It seemed like I need sail t...

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Now, after some days of building the boat It was finally done and ready for sailing, I also brought with me some poison resistance potions which were made from fermented mead, that Hugin gave the recipe for and I recreated.

As I surround the original swamp I head in a straight line to my destination, the wind on the tail of the boat, as I advance I see foward a line of very distinct swamp trees, tough it seemed that there was an opening the in the tree line, and as I get closer I understand why.

Izuku: Uh, so that must be the summoning altar, pretty unique.

In front of me was a clearing in the swamp forest, on the center of the clearing there was a stone sculpture with the shape of a skull, said skull had an open mouth, within there was a lake of what seemed acid, it formed and popped bubles in the surface of itself. Checking the surrounding I found a rune behind the skull which said "Cook their remains".

Hhmm, cook their remains? Unless its talking about what the blobs are made of, I think they are the charred bones that I often found on sunken crypts, I mean, its called Bonemass after all. Sigh

I could either go back into the other swamp near home to pick the bones up ooorrr I could risk it and go around the new lands, and I decided the further because either way, the wind wasn't pointing back home, so I start scouting the nearby area and found a sunken crypt, I quickly enter and found said black bones that were what I thought I needed to do the sacrifice.

After short sprint back, I get to the strange skull and get prepared for the struggle. I drop the bones and as they start sinking in the strange liquid, purple spores started coming out of the acid and forming a tall, wide shape in front of the structure. And out of no where the shape transforma into the awakened beast.

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