Chapter 12

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??? POV
As I stood in my lair I waited for Hugin's notice on the "new" viking, he was supposed to be just summoning Moder, his fourth challenge, its strange though, normally vikings that come here dont stay for long, either they are to anxious to get away this place or they are to restless to fight the forsaken ones, either way the die soon or leave fast, but this subject is too ... slow, he takes years to advance, but what was I specting, they told me that ones coming from that Earth were persistent and creative ones, even then its boring and seeing as he likes to shut up when Hugin is talking to him or he's alone, It will be easier to just give him some company for him to talk to, so I finally decided to change that by, maybe adding someone to his adventure, though, it wont be another human from that place, I dont want whoever Im sending there to slow even more the adventure

And as I was iterating of where Im going to get his new companion, I got the perfect idea, but as I was to ask one of my crows to fetch me a new human, one interrupted me

???: Kraal, hello master, do you perhaps know where brother Hugin is?

?????: Oh, Hugin, he is scouting the viking, he will be coming in a few days. But Munin, whilst he is doing his little mission, I have one for you

Munin: Kral, what is It, sire?

?????: You see, its quite stale waiting for years for the human to advance, so I want to bring an "individual" from another place, specifically 'The Moon', that you and I know

Munin: S-sire, are you sure It will be ok to join to different speciments from different worlds?

?????: Ahh, Munin, dont worry, the viking has already suficient prowess and armament to be on part. Also, if they defeat their challenges, you should probably bring them to the 'original' viking's world, I dont think the one from the Moon of Kenshi would like comming back to that hell hole

Munin: B-but, master they cou-

?????: Munin

Munin: ... Yes sir

As he turned and flown into the skies in the look for the new subject, now this will finally get interesting

In the Moon of Kenshi
Espher POV

As I sat my my máster after I defeated him, in blind rage, he asked me.

???: Espher... What... Is... After... You die

Espher: I-I dont know

My response felled to deaf ears, as he already perished by the lack of blood and the cold enviroment

It was rough, he was my master, even after all we did to this world and to its people, to see how his blood path was only leading to his corpse, to see all the masterfully crafted weapons he sought to rip off from the most powerful people's cold, dead hands, now without a owner. To see how the one he broke out off a prison to train with, being the one that landed the finishing blow to him. For weeks, for month, I thought he was invincible, a wild beast inside a corpse of maybe one of my fellow brethren, at the end It didn't matter, he changed me into what I feared, and now it seemed like the only thing I did in my life was killing, when I was a slave I killed my master and got myself to prison, and now this?

As I left the Ashlands with the weapon of our last victim, I went back to my base, instead of a slow running like I used to do with my master, I was walking, confused if I wanted to be relaxed for the end of the slaughter or anxious for now feeling forced to fix this mess, Tin Fist warned me about him, yet I chose to ignore him because of that stupid duel

How Im I going to fix this mess?

Ten Years Later
Espher POV

After nine long years of trying to reconstruct back civilization as best I could I reached the situation where I had a capital and people to defend, not specifically doing charity, more likely as a way to repent for my past actions, for the bloodshed of my master and how I helped him acomplish his goal, I first tried to reunite as many people as posible, though it was hard, with the cities fallen, the civilians and guards spread through the continent, only to be picked off by cannibals or fog men. When I had a sizeable amount of followers, trusting my sword skills, I went to the fertile lands of Okran's Pride, where we settled besides the river, though many weren't happy with my position as acomplince of the killer of the civilized world, and thus challenged my position, though with most royal guards and high position warriors dead, only civilians, low ranking guards and mercenaries were left, so there wasnt much of a challenge for me to defeat them, even thwn I wanted some loyal guards to keep the place in order, so I got some Shek warriors, prideful and with respect to the ones stronger in combat, they agreed to protect the settlement

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