Chapter 13: Yagluth

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Author Notes:
No, Im not dead, just a combination of vacation and a really really long chapter to write, a combination of a Boss fight and the introduction of a new character. So happy reading and have a good day

Izuku POV
I woke up, again, watching as the sun light entered my room, I was already accustomed to this view and got ready for the day, put on my armour, get my weapons and tools ready, get a big breakfast to get ready for the day, after that I went to the nearby river for hygiene purposes and put some crops on the boar pen to feed them for a while

After all that preparation, I headed to the black forest to pass by Haldor's camp to meet him, as it was hard living out here without social interaction, the forest was very quiet, probably because I destroyed all the nearby nests to clear a passage to Haldor. In my way to his camp I heard a noise off the beaten path, It was the sound of bushes being moved, so I aproached with sword in hand, though It didn't seem to be something big as It wasnt visible frome where I was standing, so I carefully aproached the noise until I saw the bushes being perturbed, so I tried calling his atention

Izuku: Hello? Is anyone there?

???: Err...H-hel-help

I stood there, in shock, It was the very first time I heard another voice that didnt come from the vendor or black bird, so I reached out my hand into the foliage, and as I did a strange hand was slowly raising towards mine, though It waved as if it was affected by the wind, but that was not what was curious at all, said hand only had three fingers, one acting as a thumb, his hands were dark brown and the rest of the arm had a pattern of red and white, thinking he was bleeding I carried him over my back and started sprinting towards my house

???: Wh-what?

???: Wh-where are y-

Luckily it wasnt far off and we just arrived there, once inside I put him to rest and went back to my room with some herbal bandages

???: Greenlander, what are you doing

Greenlander? What is he talking about? Anyways after that I tried placing bandages over his wounds... Just then I realized. Ehhh, his skin MIGHT be crimson red

Izuku: ...

???: You Greenlanders sure are silly, anyways, where am I?

During that akward situation I took my time to inspect the 'visitor', he had strange caracteristics, yet had some human semblance, pero exmple the distinct hands and skin coloration, but also the way its head was shaped like a verticle rectangle and It possesed a bone that extended to the back of the head that seemed to be made of bone, not to say the fully black eyes, in adition it had hoves on the end of its legs instead of feet.

Izuku: Erm, sorry I thought you were injured a-and tried to help you

???: Atleast you didnt have ill intentions, unlike others. Still, you haven't answered my question

Izuku: A-ah, sorry. Well, we are in my home

???: Quite obvious, but not what I ment, let me take a look outside

As he stood up from the bed in which he was testing just a short while ago, he then falled face first into the ground, not being able to stand up after trying to walk to the door

Izuku: S-sir, are you ok?

I said, worried about the hit he has just taken and about his sudden fall

???: Yes, yes, I just need to go outside

I gave him some asistence, holding him, shoulder side to side we went outside, It seemed like if he hasnt walked ever in his life, barely even walking, as we were in the exterior he suported himself on a wall in my house

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