Lunch With The Goddess Of Marriage

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Two faces stared back at us as we entered the new room

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Two faces stared back at us as we entered the new room. The man, only one, in front of us had two faces and he was dressed in a doorman suit. I eyed him, not expecting anything good from him stopping us in the middle of the room.

"Well, Annabeth?" The left face spoke. "Hurry up!"

"Don't mind him," the right face stated, "he's terribly rude. Right this way, miss."

"Uh...I don't..." Annabeth stumbled over her words.

"That funny man has two faces." Tyson frowned.

"The funny man has ears, you know!" The left face scolded the young cyclops. "Now come along, miss."

"No, no. This way, miss. Talk to me, please." The right said.

"At least they have some manners, right?" I leaned over to whisper to Percy.

His lips tugged at the corners as he tried to fight off the smile. He quickly frowned and nudged my arm. I gave him a look of confusion until he pointed at something behind the two faces. Two exits with wooden doors and huge iron locks had suddenly appeared.

"The exits are closed." Annabeth said.

"Duh!" The left face remarked.

"Where do they lead?" The daughter of Athena questioned.

"One probably leads the way you wish to go. The other leads to certain death." The right faced answered.

"I-I know who you are." Annabeth realized.

"Oh, you're a smart one!" The left face sneered at her. "But do you know which way to choose? I don't have all day."

"Why are you trying to confuse me?" Annabeth asked.

"You're in charge now, my dear. All the decisions are on your shoulders. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" The right face smiled.


"We know you, Annabeth." The left face cut her off. "We know what you wrestle with every day. We know your indecision. You will have to make your choice sooner or later. And the choice may kill you."

"No...I don't-"

"Leave her alone." Percy stepped in. "Who are you, anyway?"

"I'm your best friend." The right face stated.

"I'm your worst enemy." The other informed.

"I'm Janus." The both spoke in unison. "God of Doorways. Beginnings. Endings. Choices."

"I'll see you soon enough, Perseus Jackson. But for now it's Annabeth's turn." The right face laughed giddily. "Such fun!"

"Shut up! This is serious." The left face said. "One bad choice can ruin your whole life. It can kill you and all your friends. But no pressure, Annabeth. Choose!"

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