The Curses

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I slashed a wide arc with my sword to keep the hags away

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I slashed a wide arc with my sword to keep the hags away. My mind reeled as I tried to think of who they were. Their name sounded familiar. Has Annabeth mentioned them before? Or maybe back at camp?

"Back off." Percy jabbed his sword at the nearest arai.

We are the arai, the voice said. You cannot kill us.

Oh. Oh gods we're in some deep trouble. Cursed. Why didn't I connect it before? I pressed against Percy's shoulder, twirling my sword anxiously.

"Don't touch them." I warned Percy. "They're the spirit of curses."

"Bob doesn't like curses." Bob decided and the kitten disappeared inside his overalls.

Bob swept his broom in a wide arc, forcing the spirits back, but they came back again like a tide.

We serve the bitter and the defeated, said the arai. We serve the slain who prayed for vengeance with their final breath. We have many curses to share with you.

"Uh, no thanks." I quickly told them.

"I appreciate the offer." Percy said. "But my mom told me not to accept curses from strangers."

The nearest demon lunged. Her claws extended like bony switchblades. Percy cut her in two and she vaporized. He grimaced and stumbled backwards, his hand clamping to his rib cage. Percy pulled his hand away stained red.

"Percy!" I stared at him with worry and horror. I noticed on the other side of his ribs, he was bleeding as well. "Oh, gods, on both sides."

"Geryon." Percy said. "This is how I killed him..."

The spirits bared their fangs. More arai leaped from the black trees, flapping their leathery wings.

Yes, they agreed. Feel the pain you inflicted upon Geryon. So many curses have been leveled on you, Percy Jackson. Which will you die from? Choose, or we will rip you apart!

"I don't understand." Percy muttered.

"If you kill one, it gives you a curse." Bob said.

"But if we don't kill them..." I trailed off.

"They'll kill is anyway." Percy guessed.

Choose! The arai cried. Will you be crushed like Kampê? Or disintegrated like the young telekhines you slaughtered under Mount St. Helens? You have spread so much death and suffering, Percy Jackson. Let us repay you!

The winged hags pressed in, their breath sour, their eyes full of hatred. One of them lunged at me. I sidestepped and instinctively swiped my sword. The arai turned to dust. Burning white hot pain erupted from my chest and back. I stumbled back, staring at my sternum in shock. It looked like I was stabbed by a sword. Blood seeped from the wounds. I could feel blood trailing down my spine.

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