After The Battle

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My eyes fluttered open

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My eyes fluttered open. Percy sat in a seat beside me. He held one of my hands as he rested his head on my stomach. Soft snores escaped from him. I glanced at my thigh to see it wrapped up. It was achy, but the pain wasn't as great as it was earlier. I held back the urge to run my hand through his hair. I know he needed to rest.

"How are you feeling?" Annabeth walked into the infirmary with Seth.

"Better. Thanks." I gave an appreciative nod to Seth.

"It'll heal. You'll just have to keep weight off of it." Seth told me. He held up a pair of crutches. "You'll need to use these for a while."

"Fine by me." I cracked a small smile. My eyes drifted to a sleeping Percy. "How long has he been here?"

"He hasn't left your side." Annabeth informed me.

"Of course he hasn't." I muttered, a small smile tugging at my lips. A frown quickly grew as I thought about the battle. I looked at Annabeth and Seth with worry. "How's everyone else? Is Gaea truly defeated?"

"The satyrs and nymphs are currently having a convocation of the Cloven Elders. Grover is there right now." Annabeth stated. Grief was evident on her face. "There's still no sign of Leo. The Hephaestus cabin scoured the valley. All they found was bits and pieces of the Argo II's broken hull. Not even a sign of Festus."

"Oh." My heart ached at the loss of a friend.

"There were casualties for both the Roman and Greek. We're holding the burial tomorrow morning." Seth said. "Why don't you get some more rest. It's been a crazy couple of months."

"You'll wake me up for the burial, right?" I asked.

"Of course." Annabeth gave a small nod while Seth went to go check on someone else.

"Also...can I ask you for a favor?"

Annabeth nodded and I quickly asked her my question. A smile grew on her face and she gave me a nod. I sent her a thankful smile as they walked backed out. I laid in my bed as I thought over the battle. Leo was gone. I wonder who else lost their lives today fighting against Gaea and her monsters. I stopped my thoughts from wandering too far and forced myself to sleep. I'll need the energy for tomorrow.


Percy helped me adjust the crutches to my height. The both of us joined the others around the camp fire. The victory celebration at camp was muted, due to grief- not just for Leo, but also for the many others who died in battle. Octavian was also one of those who lost his lives. He was remembered for saving Rome by hurling himself into the sky in a fiery ball of death. But it was Leo who made the real sacrifice. Shrouded demigods, both Greek and Roman, were burned at the campfire.

Chiron asked Nico to oversee the burial rites. Nico had agreed immediately. After the burial, it was just us seven with Nico and Seth on the porch of the Big House. Tears weld in my eyes as I leaned against Percy. The both of us were sharing a seat. My crutches leaned against the wall. Jason hung his head, even his glasses lost in the shadow.

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