Breakfast Talks

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I felt useless

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I felt useless. Annabeth, Coach Hedge and Buford the table rushed around repairing things so the that ship wouldn't sink. Percy, despite being exhausted, searched the ocean for our missing friends. Jason, also exhausted, flew around the rigging putting out fires from the second green explosion that had lit up the sky just above the mainmast. Piper was staring at her knife to try and locate Leo, Hazel, and Frank.

All I could do was keep look out and hand out water bottles. I felt like I was back at camp when I was younger, being limited on what I could do due to my father's fear of us being involved and getting hurt. It only worsened after Castor died. If it weren't for the need to help save Olympus and Dad finally realizing he couldn't keep Pollux and I from fighting, I would have still been at camp where I was safe. The Great Prophecy also forbid my dad from interfering and keeping me locked away somewhere safe.

By the time the sun rose, none of us had slept. Percy had scoured the sea floor and found nothing. The Argo II was no longer in danger of sinking, though without Leo, they couldn't do full repairs. The ship was capable of sailing, but no one suggested leaving the area-not without our missing friends. Annabeth had caught Percy up with her talk with Athena.

Piper, Annabeth, and I sent a dream vision to Camp Half-Blood, warning Chiron of what had happened with the Romans at Fort Sumter. Annabeth explained her exchange of words with Reyna. Piper relayed the vision from her knife about the SUVs racing north. Chiron's face seem to age 30 years during the course of conversation, but he assured us he would see to the defenses of the camp. Tyson, Mrs. O'Leary, had arrived safely. If necessary, Tyson could summon an army a cyclops to the camp, defense, and Ella and Rachel Dare we're already compare prophecies, learn more about what the future held. The job of the eight demigods aboard the Argo II, Chiron reminded us, was to finish the quest and come back safely.

After the Iris message, we paced the deck in silence, staring at the water and hoping for a miracle. We were too anxious to talk. Suddenly there was three giant pink bubbles, bursting at the surface of the starboard, bow and ejecting, Frank, Hazel, and Leo. Piper cried out with relief and dove straight into the water.

I rushed to go get the ladder and some towels to give to them. Once they got on board and change into dry clothes, the crew all gathered on the quarter deck for a celebratory breakfast in the floor– except for Coach Hedge, grumbled that the atmosphere was getting too cuddly for his tastes, and went below to hammer out some dents in the hull. We had the brownies that the fish-centaurs gave us and some toast with the peaches preserves for breakfast. Leo fussed over his helm controls, Hazel and Frank related the story of the fish-centaur in their training camp.

"Incredible." Jason said. "These are really good brownies."

"That's your only comment?" Piper demanded.

"What?" Jason looked surprised. "I heard the story. Fish-centaurs. Merpeople. Letter of introduction to the Tiber River god. Got it. But these brownies-"

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