Quintus The Traitor

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Annabeth pressed the symbol on the doors and they hissed open

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Annabeth pressed the symbol on the doors and they hissed open. I hesitantly raised my hand to my necklace, thinking of the dream I had.

"So much for ancient architecture." Percy commented.

Annabeth scowled. We stepped into the room together. Daylight came through the giant windows. The room itself seemed like an artist's studio, with thirty foot ceilings and industrial lighting, polished stone floors, and workbenches along the windows. A spiral staircase led up to a second story loft. Half a dozen easels displayed hand drawn diagrams of building and machines that looked like Leonardo di Vinci sketches. Several laptop computers were scattered on the tables. Greek fire contained in jars lined one shelf. Weird metal machines were scattered all over the room.

"Di imortales." Annabeth muttered. She ran to the nearest easel and looked at the sketch. "He's a genius. Look at the curves on this building!"

"And an artist." Rachel said in amazement. "These wings are amazing!"

I ignored the wings Rachel was gawking at and noted that the laptops were running their screen savers. A half eaten blueberry muffin and a coffee cup sat on the workbench.

"Someone has been here recently." I muttered, furrowing my brows. Unease chewed at my stomach. "Guys...I don't know about this. We need to hurry and find Daedalus and leave. I have a feeling we're going to have company soon."

"That means he's somewhere here right?" Rachel looked at another painting.

"Where are we?" Percy had wandered to the window where the Rocky Mountains  peaked through.

"Colorado Springs." A voice said behind us. My hand instinctively plucked a grape. A sword grew in my hand. "The Garden of the Gods."

I turned in the direction of the voice. Standing on the spiral staircase above us, with his weapon drawn, was Quintus.

"You." Annabeth said. "What have you done with Daedalus?"

"Trust me, my dear." Quintus smiled faintly. "You don't want to meet him."

"Look, Mr. Traitor." Annabeth growled. "I didn't fight a dragon woman and a three-bodied man and a psychotic Sphinx to see you. Now where is DAEDALUS?"

Quintus came down the stairs, holding his sword at his side. I twirled my sword anxiously. He was a great swordsman and he knew my weaknesses from when he trained me at camp. I don't think I'll be able to win a fight against him.

"You think I'm an agent of Kronos." He said. "That I work for Luke."

"Why else would you come work at our camp?" I retorted.

"Well, duh." Annabeth said.

"You're intelligent girls. But you're wrong." Quintus stated. "I work only for myself."

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