When In Rome

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It turned out we were thinking the same thing: offer the pirate trireme as tribute to Bacchus

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It turned out we were thinking the same thing: offer the pirate trireme as tribute to Bacchus. It took longer than we had planned. As we worked, I kept glancing into the waters looking for Chrysaor and his dolphins to see if they would return. They didn't.

Leo got back to his feet, thanks to a little bit of nectar. Piper tended to Jason's wounds, but he wasn't as badly hurt as he looked. Mostly he was just ashamed he'd gotten overpowered again.

We returned all our supplies to the proper places and tidied up from the invasion while Coach Hedge had a field day on the enemy ship, breaking everything he could find with his baseball bat. When he was done, Percy loaded the enemy's weapons back on the pirate ship. Their storeroom was full of treasure, but Percy insisted that they touch none of it.

"I can sense about six million dollars' worth of gold aboard." Hazel said. "Plus diamonds, rubies-"

"Six m-million?" Frank stammered. "Canadian dollars or American?"

"Leave it." Percy told them. "It's part of the tribute."

"Tribute?" Hazel asked.

"Oh." Piper nodded. "Kansas."

"Crazy." Jason grinned. "But I like it."

"He should take this as tribute." I bit my lip, praying to my dad that he would accept it.

Finally Percy went aboard the ship and opened up the flood valves. He asked Leo to drill a few extra holes in the bottom of the hull with his power tools, and Leo was happy to oblige.

We assembled at the rail of the Argo II and cut the grappling lines. Piper brought out her new horn of plenty and, on Percy's direction, willed it to spew Diet Coke, which came out with the strength of a fire hose, dousing the enemy deck. I suggested she also use Diet Pepsi. She nodded and switched the drinks. The ship sank remarkably fast, filling with my dad's chosen beverages and seawater.

"Dionysus." Percy called, holding up Chrysaor's golden mask. "Or Bacchus-whatever. You made this victor possible, even if you weren't here. Your enemies I trembled at your name...of your Diet Coke, or something. So, yeah, thank you. We give this ship to you as tribute. We hope you like it."

"Six million in gold." Leo muttered. "He better like it."

"Shh." Hazel scolded. "Precious metal isn't all that great. Believe me."

Percy threw the golden mask aboard the sinking vessel, brown fizzy liquid spewing out of the trireme's oar slots and bubbling from the cargo hold, turning the sea a frothy brown. Percy summoned a wave, and the enemy ship was swamped. Leo steered the Argo II away as the pirate vessel disappeared underwater.

"Isn't that polluting?" Piper asked.

"I wouldn't worry." Jason told her. "If Bacchus likes it, the ship should vanish."

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