Bridge Showdown

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We parked outside Battery Park, at the lower tip of Manhattan where the Hudson and East Rivers came together and emptied into the bay

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We parked outside Battery Park, at the lower tip of Manhattan where the Hudson and East Rivers came together and emptied into the bay.

"Wait here." Percy told us.

"Percy, you shouldn't go alone."

"Yeah, I'll come with." I nodded, taking a step toward him.

"Well, unless the both of you can breath underwater..."

"You are so annoying sometimes." Annabeth sighed.

"Like when I'm right?"

"Whenever you go alone things usually don't go well." I crossed my arms.

"Trust me, I'll be fine. I've got the curse of Achilles now. I'm all invincible and stuff."

"I don't know..." I shifted on my feet. "You're luck.... I don't want anything to happen to you. Just... just be careful."

"Nothing will happen to me, Ives." Percy pecked my cheek. He started to back away with a grin. "Back in a flash."

He clambered down the shoreline and waded into the water. It wasn't long until he was out of our sight.

"That boy is going to give me grey hair from how much he worries me." I raked a hand down my face.

"You have no idea." Annabeth chuckled, patting my back. "At least you will be matching us with our grey hair."

"Funny." I gave her an unamused look. She only grinned in response. I turned to face the river. "I hope this doesn't take long."

"We'll see."

A few minutes had gone by and I was bored. I decided to redo my French braid and fix the bangs Mrs. O'Leary messed up. Annabeth's phone rang. I looked at her while she answered it.

"Michael- woah, okay." Annabeth shot me a worried look. She started to pace. "Say that again."

From the corner of my eye, I saw something rise out of the river. I quickly turned to see Percy walking toward us. Annabeth hung him and stuffed her phone into her pocket.

"It worked." Percy told us. "The rivers are safe."

"Good." Annabeth said. "Because we've got other problems. Michael Yew just called. Another army is marching over the Williamsburg Bridge. The Apollo cabin needs help. And Percy, the monster leading the's the Minotaur."

Percy was quick to do a taxicab whistle. Within a few minutes, three dark shapes circled out of the sky. They looked like hawks at first, but as they descended I could make out the long galloping legs of pegasi. Blackjack landed with a trot, Porkpie and Sugar right behind him.

"Thanks for coming." Percy told Blackjack. "Hey, why do pegasi gallop as they fly, anyway?"

"That's the first thing you tell him?" I quirked a brow. Blackjack whinnied and nodded toward me. I smiled. "He agrees. Right?"

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