The Guy With One Shoe

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I was walking around a terrace made of glass

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I was walking around a terrace made of glass. It had a shape of a horseshoe walkway with metal railing. The Grand Canyon spread out before me. Six hundred feet below the walkway was the river that snaked along the canyon floor. The sky was cloudy and it was windy.

"Ivy Pittaluga."A female voice sounded from all around, like an echo.

The voice sounded familiar. I turned around to see Hera before me.

"Hera." I scowled.

"Look for the guy wearing one shoe at the Grand Canyon skywalk. You will find your answers to the whereabouts of Percy Jackson."

"Where is he?" I demanded, stepping toward her.

"Watch your tone, girl." Hera said, her voice tight. She recollected her self. "Go to the Grand Canyon and you will find your answer."

"Hera, where is Percy?" I pleaded. My eyes were watering. "What have you've done to him?"

"I will reveal in due time."

"No, you can tell me now-"

"Go to the Grand Canyon today or you will miss it." Hera shot me a withering look. "Find the boy with one shoe."


I woke up angry. It's been three days since Percy has been missing. I've barely slept, dark purple bags were almost permanent under my eyes. My hair was a tangled mess and I was tired. The past two night I barely slept at all.

A majority of the sleepless nights was spent trying to Iris-message Percy. The IM would pop up and it would be fuzzy. It was as if it was showing there was no connection or if no one was on the other end of the call. I tried multiple times. Same result.

When I wasn't trying to IM, I would make lists of people we have contacted and where we have searched for my boyfriend. It was something small, but I felt like I was doing something to try and find him when I wasn't out looking for him.

With a sigh, I pushed myself to get out of bed and get dressed. Hera's words ringed in my head. Something was gnawing at my stomach that I had to go the Grand Canyon today. Even if it was from Hera. It was a risk I couldn't take. Once I got ready, I got out of my cabin and walked over toward the Athena cabin. The door was open as some campers started to trickle out to go to breakfast.

"Annabeth." I entered the building.

"What's up?" Annabeth closed her laptop. She frowned when she saw my expression. "Whats wrong?"

"I got a dream vision from Hera." I told her about the strange dream.

"We better go to the Grand Canyon then. Maybe Percy's there."

"I need to talk to Chiron first about it." I said.

"Let's go."

We met Chiron at the pavilion as campers started to get their breakfast. He looked at us with a raised brow.

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