Business With Misery

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We stumbled along in the darkness, the air thick and cold, the ground alternating patches of pointy rocks and pools of muck

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We stumbled along in the darkness, the air thick and cold, the ground alternating patches of pointy rocks and pools of muck. When we had left Damasen's hut, I was well rested, felt stronger and had a full belly. Now my legs were sore and every muscle ached. On top of that, my heart broke that Damasen wasn't coming with is.

I don't what it was that made me feel attached to the giant so quickly. Whether it was his kindness or him helping us, the idea of Damasen not joining us to help us close the Doors brought new tears to my eyes. I wiped my cheeks, trying not to be caught up on it. Percy reached over and slipped his hand into mine. He gave it a reassuring squeeze. I smiled softly at him.

My mind wandered to the idea of what happened after we left the hut. We hadn't heard our pursuers in hours, but their hatred could be sensed from miles away. They're back there somewhere, following, pushing us deeper into Tartarus.

I tried to think of good things to keep my spirits up. Memories of the fun times I spent with my brothers. The feeling of kissing Percy under water the first time made butterflies erupt in my stomach. Percy's plan for us to go to New Rome. That's if we actually got out of this wretched place alive. And by some miracle we do, we have to defeat Gaea and have a healed relationship with the Romans. The odds aren't in our favor.

"This place is worse than the River Cocytus." Percy muttered.

"Yes." Bob called back happily. "Much worse! It means we are close."

Percy frowned at his answer. He watched as Small Bob hid himself in Bob's overalls again. His frowned deepened, worry lines growing on his face. I gave his hand a small squeeze, rubbing my thumb over his hand.

"We're together." I reminded him. Percy glanced down at me. "We'll get through this."

"Yeah." Percy managed a small smile. "Piece of cake."

"But next time," I gave him a teasing smile, "I want to go somewhere different on a date."

"Paris was nice." Percy recalled.

My smile grew. Months ago, before Percy was Hera-napped and given amnesia, we had a dinner in Paris one night, compliments of Hermes. It was fun and lovely. That seemed like a lifetime ago.

"I'd settle for New Rome." I offered, trying to keep the spirits high. Any negative thought that arose from my mind was pushed to the back. "As long as you're there with me."

Percy's face lit up and my heart soared. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. A grin grew on my face and I actually felt happy in Tartarus. I haven't felt true happiness down here. Percy pecked my lips sweetly, his eyes twinkling.

Then it hit us suddenly. A deep sorrow and surrender. The darkness dispersed. In front of us was a clearing, a barren field of dust and stones. In the center, about twenty feet away, knelt a gruesome figure of a woman, her clothes tattered, her limbs emaciated, her skin leathery green. Her head was bent as she sobbed quietly, and the sound shattered all the hopes I had.

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