I Almost Throttle Our Tour Guide

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The next morning Annabeth, Argus and I awaited Percy at the road just past Half-Blood Hill before we left to the city

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The next morning Annabeth, Argus and I awaited Percy at the road just past Half-Blood Hill before we left to the city. I sat near the window seat and made sure Annabeth sat between Percy and I. Percy kept sending glances at me, but I ignored them and looked out the window to see the world blur by.

"Bad dreams?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"An Iris-message from Eurytion." Annabeth shook her head.

"Eurytion! Is something wrong with Nico?"

"He left the ranch last night, heading back into the maze." Annabeth informed us.

"What? Didn't Eurytion try to stop him?" Percy questioned.

"Nico was gone before he woke up. Orthus tracked his scent as far as the cattle guard. Eurytion said he'd been hearing Nick talk to himself the last few nights. Only now he thinks Nico was talking with the ghost again, Minos."

"He's in danger." Percy stated.

"If my step-ghost grandpa is a involved, then yeah." I grumbled.

"No kidding. Minos is one of the judges of the dead, but he's got a vicious streak a mile wide. I don't know what he wants with Nico, but-"

"That's not what I meant. I had this dream last night." Percy then explained how Luke mentioned Quintus, and how his men had found a half-blood alone in the maze.

"That's very, very bad." Annabeth clenched her jaw.

"So what do we do?"

"Well, it's a good thing you have a plan to guide us, huh?" Annabeth raised a brow.

"Freaking Dare." I muttered, crossing my arms and looking out the window again.


We arrived at Percy's apartment around noon. His mom answered the door and gave her son a hug. She said her hellos to Annabeth and gave me a smile.

"I'm Percy's mom, Sally. Nice to mee you." She held out a hand.

"Ivy Pittaluga, nice to meet you as well. I'm on a quest with Annabeth and Percy." I shook her hand with a smile.

"Ivy, huh? Why don't we go into the kitchen." Sally sent her son a knowing look as his face turned red. She led us deeper into the apartment and into the kitchen. "I told them you were all right."

She had us sit at the kitchen table and insisted feeding us blue chocolate chip cookies. I nibbled on one as Percy filled his mother in about the quests. When he got to the part about Geryon and the stables, his mother pretended like she was going to strangle him.

"I can't get him to clean his room, but he'll clean a hundred tons of horse manure out of some monster's stables?"

"Percy does a lot of things." I bitterly bit into my cookie.

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