Open The Doors

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The entire frame of the Doors shuddered

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The entire frame of the Doors shuddered. Black lightning flashed into the sky. The chains shook, and the Titans planted their feet on the hooks to keep them secure. The Doors slid open, revealing the gilded interior of an elevator car. I could feel Percy tense beside me, ready to charge forward.

"Wait." Bob planted a hand on his shoulder.

"Group A-22!" Hyperion yelled to the surrounding crowd. "Hurry up, you sluggards!"

A dozen Cyclopes rushed forward, waving little red tickets and shouting excitedly. As they grew closer, their bodies distorted and shrunk to fit inside the Doors. The Doors of Death sucked them inside. The other Titan jabbed his thumb against the UP button on the elevator's right side and the Door slid closed. The frame shuddered again. Dark lighting flashed.

"You must understand how it works." Bob muttered, addressing it to Small Bob who was in his palms. He was making it seem he was telling the kitten instead of us so he wouldn't be questioned by the monsters around us. "Each time the Doors open, they try to teleport to a new location. Thanatos made them that way, so only he could find them. But now they are chained. The Doors cannot relocate."

"Then we have to cut the chains." I whispered, eyeing the chains.

"Our camouflage." Percy brought up, staring at Hyperion. "Will it disappear if we do something aggressive, like cutting chains?"

"I do not know." Bob told his kitten.

"Mrow." Small Bob responded.

"Bob, you'll have to distract them. Percy and I will sneak around the two Titans and cut the chains behind them." I told him.

"Yes, fine. But that is only one problem." Bob said. "Once you are inside the Doors, someone must stay outside to push the button and defend it."

"Uh...defend the button?" Percy swallowed.

"Someone must keep pressing the UP button," Bob nodded and scratched his kitten under the chin, "for twelve minutes, or the journey will not finish."

"Why twelve minutes?" Percy asked.

"I do not know." Bob told him. "Why twelve Olympians, or twelve Titans?"

"Fair enough." Percy said.

"What do you mean the journey won't finish?" I brought up. "What happens to the passengers?"

Bob didn't answer. Judging by his pained expression, I didn't want to know the answer. I made sure not to think about the different possibilities of what could go wrong if the elevator didn't finish the journey.

"Awesome..." I gravely uttered.

"If we do push the button for twelve minutes," Percy said, "and the chains are cut-"

"The Doors should reset." Bob answered. "That is what they are supposed to do. They will disappear from Tartarus. They will appear somewhere else, where Gaea cannot use them."

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